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Throat Care

Is it more than just a sore throat?

We all get sore throats from time to time. Throat soreness is a common problem that can arise from various factors, such as viral or bacterial infections, allergies, dry air, or even excessive shouting or singing. But when is a sore throat a sign of something long lasting or more serious?

If you or a loved one has persistent throat soreness, you've come to the right place. Our team of ear, nose, and throat (ENT) experts are here to provide comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.

Understanding tonsils and adenoids

Tonsils and adenoids are your body’s guardians. They are crucial parts of your throat’s immune system.

Your tonsils are the two masses of tissue at the back of the throat. Your adenoids are located higher up, behind the nose. Together, they act as your body's first line of defense against infections. But in some cases, these glands become inflamed or infected, leading to tonsillitis or adenoiditis — which might require medical intervention.

Swallowing disorders

Swallowing disorders, also known as dysphagia, can occur at any age and can stem from many conditions, including neurological disorders, muscular problems, or esophageal disorders. These conditions can cause swallowing difficulty, choking, coughing during or after meals, or a sensation of food being stuck in the throat.

Common symptoms of swallowing disorders include these and others:

  • Chronic cough or throat clearing
  • Frequent heartburn
  • Pain or discomfort while swallowing
  • Regurgitation
  • Unexplained weight loss

Treatment options for swallowing disorders

Just as your symptoms are unique to you, so is the care we provide. At West Jefferson Medical Center, we offer a range of advanced diagnostic techniques to identify the root cause of your swallowing difficulties and customize treatment plans to give you the most relief possible.

Depending on your symptoms and diagnosis, we may recommend these or other treatment options:

  • Lifestyle modifications – may include dietary changes and swallowing techniques
  • Medications – medicine prescribed to address underlying causes such as acid reflux
  • Minimally invasive procedures – endoscopic treatments to correct structural issues
  • Speech therapy – special exercises to improve swallowing coordination
  • Surgical interventions – used in severe cases to correct anatomical problems

At West Jefferson, we’re dedicated to providing the expert care you deserve. To explore all your treatment options, call us directly at 504.934.8550 or schedule an appointment online.

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