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Neck Dissection

Restore your health and peace of mind

The idea of having any medical procedure can feel daunting. And needing a neck dissection can feel particularly unsettling. We get it. We understand the concerns and uncertainties that come with a surgical procedure aimed at removing lymph nodes and other tissues in the neck. But you’re not alone. We’re with you every step of the way, guiding you through the process, ensuring your peace of mind, and delivering exceptional care tailored to your unique needs.

What is a neck dissection?

Neck dissection is a surgical procedure to remove cancerous (or potentially cancerous) lymph nodes and surrounding tissue in the neck. It's commonly used in the treatment of head and neck cancers, providing a vital step toward managing the disease and preventing its spread to other parts of the body.

When is a neck dissection needed?

Our experienced ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists assess each case individually, recommending neck dissection only when it offers the best chance for effective treatment and improved quality of life.

We may recommend neck dissection for these or other reasons:

  • Cancer diagnosis — to assess the extent of cancer and determine an accurate diagnosis
  • Cancer treatment — to remove cancerous lymph nodes and tissues
  • Preventive measures — to remove at-risk lymph nodes before cancer develops

What to expect before and after neck dissection

Every step of the way, our compassionate, dedicated team of healthcare professionals is by your side.

Before neck dissection, we’ll conduct a thorough evaluation, including medical history, physical exam, and imaging tests. You can ask any questions and share your concerns about the procedure. We’ll be upfront and honest, ensuring you're well-informed and comfortable before entering the operating room.

After neck dissection, you’ll be closely monitored during the recovery period, with our team providing comprehensive postoperative care, pain management, and support. If rehabilitation is needed, your care plan will be tailored to your specific requirements, focusing on restoring function and enhancing your overall well-being.

At West Jefferson Medical Center, you are our top priority. We’re dedicated to providing the expert care you deserve. Call us directly at 504.934.8550 or schedule an appointment online to learn more about your treatment options.

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