Patient Safety Line

Patient Safety

Patient safety is a critical component of health care quality. As health care organizations continually strive to improve, there is a growing recognition of the importance of establishing a culture of safety. Achieving a culture of safety requires an understanding of the values, beliefs, and norms about what is important at West Jefferson Medical Center (WJMC) and what attitudes and behaviors related to patient safety are expected and appropriate.

West Jefferson Medical Center is committed to a culture of patient safety as well as the delivery of quality patient care.

Your concerns and input are very important to our Quality and Patient Safety Program. If you have concerns regarding quality and patient safety at WJMC, please let us know so we can address your concerns.

A Patient Safety telephone line and Patient Safety email have been established for you to communicate your concerns with us. You may leave a voicemail message by dialing 504.349.6628.

Together we can make West Jefferson Medical Center the best hospital in the region.