I lost 260 Lbs.

  • Author: Kala
  • Date Submitted: Nov 2, 2021
  • Category: Fitness & Wellness Centers

“ I've Lost 260 lbs. in 19 months and still losing...”

I knew April 2015 something had to be done about my weight when I received a concussion and made a trip to the ER and they told me I couldn't get proper medical care because I exceeded the weight limit for the machines. At that point, my health was deteriorating rapidly. Luckily, it wasn't severe and I was able to go home embarrassed but ok. I contacted a bariatric surgeon and joined West Jeff Fitness Center and started water aerobics in May 2015. I had my surgery in Feb 2016. I will tell you, yes, the surgery helped. But what has helped me lose 100 pounds before my surgery and 160 pounds after in this 10 months after so far are the wonderful staff (instructors, support staff) and the people who I get to work out with. I joke that if I can do it anyone can do it. It's true. It wasn't the surgery that did it completely. It played a part in it. I am no longer diabetic, but I accomplished that before my surgery. I am smashing so many goals and things I never thought I could accomplish. I just shopped the juniors sections and bought a shirt for myself last month. Who knows what's next?