I am a Social Worker at West Jefferson Medical Center and receiv

  • Date Submitted: Nov 2, 2021
  • Category: Organ Donation

“ I'm forever grateful of the 22 y/o who was brave enough to be a donor.”

I am a Social Worker at West Jefferson Medical Center and received a kidney transplant. I was dx with stage 4 renal disease after I gave birth to my son, who is my only child. I received dialysis for five months and received a cadaver kidney on 2-14-11 and am truly thankful. I had the support of my spouse, son and my case management and OB unit family. For that, I'm forever grateful and would not have a better quality of life without the generosity of the 22 y/o who was brave enough to be a donor. 

Personal stories are used by permission for use on this page only. The sharing of the personal organ donation story by LOPA is done to commemorate organ donation awareness month and to encourage people to become organ donors. The personal stories may not be reproduced in any form or medium or otherwise distributed or used without written permission of LOPA.