A teenage boy's family gets to hear his heart one last time...
- Category: Organ Donation

“ ...the boy’s family wanted to meet the lady that received their son's heart. When they did meet, the mother and father had a stethoscope and listened to their son's heart inside of this lady..”
I do not personally know these people, but the story was so touching it brought me to tears. A teenage boy was tragically killed and his family donated his organs. His heart went to a middle-aged woman across the country. She had a family that would have been devastated had she not received this heart transplant. As time passed, the boy’s family wanted to meet the lady that received their son's heart. When they did meet, the mother and father had a stethoscope and listened to their son's heart inside of this lady... There was not a dry eye around!! These families remain connected to this day. I was a donor before, but when I share this story, it inspires people to want to give as well!
Personal stories are used by permission for use on this page only. The sharing of the personal organ donation story by LOPA is done to commemorate organ donation awareness month and to encourage people to become organ donors. The personal stories may not be reproduced in any form or medium or otherwise distributed or used without written permission of LOPA.