Sacral Neuromodulation
Sacral Neuromodulation
You are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from urinary incontinence or retention, and if you are among them, we are here to tell you there is a more advanced option to treat these conditions.
When medication and other treatments have not worked, there’s now sacral neuromodulation therapy
Urinary incontinence or retention involves involuntary actions of the bladder, either the inability to control urine leakage or to completely empty the bladder. These conditions are due to a breakdown in communication between the sacral nerves, which are nerves near the tailbone that control the bladder, and the brain. Medication does not resolve the problem for many people, but we can now offer hope with sacral neuromodulation therapy.
What is sacral neuromodulation therapy?
Sacral neuromodulation therapy involves an FDA-approved neuromodulator or small device placed under the skin. Once implanted, it sends electrical pulses to the sacral nerves, restoring communication between the nerves and the brain, allowing you control of your bladder.
Steps to taking control of your bladder
There is a process for using sacral neuromodulation:
- Trial Period: using an external version of the neurostimulator to determine if this therapy is best for you is the first step. In an outpatient procedure, your doctor will connect an external version of sacral neuromodulation to evaluate the effectiveness of the neurostimulator. Evaluation takes 3-7 days.
- If this therapy produces positive results, the sacral neuromodulation device will be implanted for long-term use. This is an outpatient procedure that takes about 45-60 minutes.
- Sacral neuromodulation therapy is reversible and can be stopped anytime by turning the neurostimulator off or removing the device.
Call us to schedule an appointment at 504.934.8100 or select a doctor to schedule online.
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