Robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy
Robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy
This minimally invasive surgery can repair pelvic organ prolapse.
Pelvic organ prolapse impacts some women after childbirth
For other women, it can happen due to aging, or following a hysterectomy.
Pelvic organ prolapse, or uterine prolapse, occurs when the tissues in the pelvis weaken and can no longer support the weight of the organs contained there (Including the uterus, bladder, and intestines). This can cause one or more of these organs to drop down against the vagina.
What is robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy?
This minimally invasive surgical procedure is used to repair pelvic organ prolapse by pulling up the tissue and moving organs back into place.
During the procedure, your surgeon will make a small incision in the lower belly. Using robotic technology, they will use a small tool (equipped with a tiny camera) to sew a graft onto the collapsed organs. This graft is used to keep the pelvic organs in the right place.
Robotic-assistance allows your surgeon maximum precision and control, with very tiny movements. Benefits of this type of surgery include:
- Faster recovery
- Less bleeding
- Less pain
- Shorter hospital stays
To learn more about robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy, visit our health library here.
Advanced treatment is available at West Jefferson Urology
We’re proud to offer cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment options for our patients. Working together with you, our Urology Team will create a personalized treatment plan that fits your unique needs.
Call us to schedule an appointment at 504.934.8100 or select a doctor to schedule online
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