Male Infertility

If you and your partner are struggling to get pregnant, we can help you get to the bottom of it.

What is male infertility?

Male infertility refers to problems with the reproductive system that prevent a man from having children. Men experiencing male infertility will struggle to start a pregnancy with their partner. Male factor infertility is the sole cause of problems conceiving in 20% of couples trying unsuccessfully to conceive and is a contributing factor in at least 50% of couples trying unsuccessfully to conceive.

Natural male reproduction depends on two key factors: having healthy sperm that can fertilize the egg and having an erection and ejaculation so that sperm can reach the egg in the first place. If you are experiencing problems with either of these factors, it may suggest male infertility.

What causes male infertility?

Problems with fertility can be caused by a variety of conditions, in addition to environmental and lifestyle factors. Some of the most common causes of male infertility include:

  • Infections or inflammatory conditions
  • Hormone or pituitary gland problems
  • Immune problems that cause your body’s antibodies to attack your own sperm
  • Genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or hemochromatosis
  • Structural problems or scar tissue that blocks the genital track and stops the flow of semen
  • Issues with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation
  • Environmental and lifestyle factors, including heavy tobacco use, heavy alcohol use, marijuana or steroid use, or exposure to toxins

Testing for male infertility

If you and your partner have been trying to become pregnant for one year with no luck, your healthcare provider will recommend tests for both you and your partner to find the cause of infertility.

Male infertility is diagnosed through a combination of exams and tests, including:

  • Physical exam and health history
  • Sperm count and semen analysis
  • Blood tests
  • Imaging tests (ultrasound)
  • Testicular biopsy

Ready to get started? Please set up an appointment with us today to discuss your infertility treatment options.

Call us directly at 934-8100 or select a doctor to schedule online

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