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Heart Surgery

Skilled Heart Surgeons Offering Minimally Invasive Treatments

The term heart surgery often puts people on edge. It is true that cardiac surgery is a serious treatment that should only be used as a last-resort when the situation is dire, but that does not mean you need to be afraid of it. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, meaning cardiac surgery is a rapidly growing field and most surgeons have significant experience. Many procedures no longer require open heart surgery as there are numerous minimally invasive surgeries available.

Though there are risks Heart surgery success rates are excellent. You have a right to know the risks of a procedure and why it is being recommended for you. Our skilled cardiac surgeons can explain the procedure in detail without using complicated medical terms.

Types of heart surgery

Heart surgery is used to treat some of the more serious heart conditions. Victims of heart attacks often require surgery to treat the condition that led to their heart attack in the first place. Surgeries are usually preceded with diagnostic imaging tests to evaluate the heart and plan the operation.

The following are some common heart surgeries:

  • Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting – The most common form of cardiac surgery is coronary artery bypass grafting. In this treatment, a healthy existing artery in the body is redirected towards the heart so that blood can bypass a damaged artery clogged with plaque.
  • Pacemaker & ICD Implants – These implants are placed near the heart and deliver an electrical shock to the muscle when an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) is detected.
  • Stenting & Angioplasty – Arteries that supply blood to the heart can narrow due to plaque buildup. The harder it is for blood to bump through the heart, the more likely it is someone will suffer a cardiac event. Angioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure where the artery is widened with a small balloon and then held open with a mesh tube called a stent.
  • Aneurysm Repair – An aneurysm is a bulge that occurs in the heart or artery when the artery wall weakens. If an aneurysm bursts, it can cause serious damage. Surgery is required to replace the aneurysm-infected part of the heart with a graft.
  • Heart Transplant – Considered a last resort treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure, heart transplants replace a diseased heart from a deceased organ donor. Waiting for a donor can take time, so patients may be given artificial hearts or ventricular assist devices to use in the meantime.

After heart surgery

Heart surgery can be a life-saving treatment for patients with heart disease, but it is not the cure. Maintaining the same lifestyle that led to your weakened heart will significantly increase the likelihood of another problem occurring. This is why patients are enrolled in cardiac rehabilitation where they can learn new exercises and habits to keep their hearts healthy for years to come.

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