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The spooky, yummy, healthy Halloween treats you’re looking for

The spooky, yummy, healthy Halloween treats you’re looking for

When you think about Halloween, candy probably comes to mind. Lots and lots of candy. How about throwing some healthy Halloween treats into the mix this year?

October is a time for all sorts of fun stuff—carving jack-o’-lanterns, navigating corn mazes, and eating sweet treats. Add a healthy Halloween snack or two to your holiday menu to celebrate this spooky season without spiking your blood sugar. Our West Jefferson Medical Center team offers a few suggestions below.

Tips for making Halloween a little healthier

Whether your kids are trick-or-treating or you’re hosting a Halloween party, candy is usually the name of the game. After all, when your little goblins knock on someone’s door, they hope for a treat, not a trick!

Make moderation your mantra for a healthier Halloween this year. Before the festivities, load your kids (and yourself) up on a healthy, well-balanced meal. Fill your plates with vegetables and lean protein that’ll keep you satisfied and full.

Dinner doesn’t have to be complicated, either. With a little nip in the air, your family might enjoy a yummy pot of bean- and veggie-filled chili, which you can toss in the slow cooker.

Talk with your kids beforehand about how much candy they can have and when. It’s a good idea to set these expectations before trick-or-treating begins rather than having the conversation as their candy bags fill up. Model good behavior, too, Mom or Dad—keep your candy intake to a minimum!

When planning what you’ll hand out this Halloween, consider offering some non-candy options. Kids love little toys and trinkets, so think about glow sticks, slap bracelets and temporary tattoos for all the spookiness without the sugar.

6 ideas for a healthy Halloween snack

Are you looking for healthier Halloween treats for a party? It’s time to play with your food! Get creative about serving up fruits and veggies for a fun and tasty take on the holiday.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Banana ghosts. Peel a banana, cut off one end so it can sit upright on a plate, then add candy eyes and a chocolate chip nose.
  • Carrot witch fingers. Slice off the top of a baby carrot, then attach a slivered almond on the end as a fingernail. A dab of nut butter should do the trick as “glue.”
  • Spooky watermelon. Carve up a whole watermelon with a face like you would a jack-o’-lantern and remove the guts to create an open space. Have the watermelon creature spew out fruit salad filled with an assortment of yummy, healthy treats.
  • Apple mouths. Featuring the flavors of caramel apples, this healthier take will be just as yummy—and even more fun! Cut an apple into wedges. Take two of the wedges, space them like a jaw, fill in the space between them with a small amount of caramel dip, and attach peanuts or something similar as teeth.
  • Clementine pumpkins. This one’s an easy one! Peel a clementine, then gently insert a small piece of celery into the top of the orange to create a stem.
  • Bell pepper pumpkins. If you’re looking for a heartier option, this might do the trick. Carve up bell peppers with a face, then stuff them with your favorite stuffed pepper blend, such as ground turkey, beans or veggies. Bake until the peppers are slightly softened, and the stuffing is cooked through.

Round out your Halloween offerings with baked chips, pumpkin seeds, whole fruit, vegetables with guacamole or salsa, cheese sticks, and plain popcorn. The kids (and the adults) will still have all the fun, but with a little less of the unhealthy stuff.

Need a checkup for yourself now that the kids are back in school? Schedule an appointment with a primary care provider.