This World Health Day, take a stand for your own wellness

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This World Health Day, take a stand for your own wellness

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7. Are you ready to mark the holiday by doing what you can to improve your health?

By the time April rolls around, some people may have left their resolutions for healthier living in the dust. If that describes you, don’t be discouraged. You can start now and make changes to set yourself up for improved health through 2024 and beyond.

Use this World Health Day as an opportunity to address health issues and improve your quality of life. Our team at West Jefferson Medical Center offers more insight.

World Health Day’s history and goals

World Health Day is a global event sponsored each year by the World Health Organization. The First World Health Assembly established World Health Day in 1948, and the event has had a new healthcare theme each year since taking effect in 1950.

In the past, the event has focused on various efforts to promote health, improve quality of life and lower the risk of health issues, including 2020’s “Support nurses and midwives” campaign and 2022’s “Our planet, our health” campaign.

The 2024 theme for World Health Day is “My health, my right.” The campaign focuses on championing every person’s right to equitable access to health services and the support needed to live a healthy life. While World Health Day is a public health event, it also provides an opportunity for individuals to take a stand for their health.

How you can get involved

On World Health Day this April, make a promise to yourself: “I will do what I can to take care of my mind and body.” Unsure where to begin? Start with the tips below.

  • Check in with a primary care provider (PCP). If it’s been a while since you had a checkup, now’s the time to get one on the calendar. At a checkup, your PCP can look at your current health, run preventive tests, provide age-appropriate vaccines and offer guidance on how you can improve your health.
  • Find ways to manage stress. Stress is a fact of life, but too much of it can be a health hazard. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditating, exercising, praying or spending time with friends. Lowering your stress level can reduce your risk of many health conditions, including high blood pressure.
  • Fuel up with fruits and vegetables. Spring has sprung, which means that seasonal produce is coming in fast. Check out the local farmers market or your grocery store for fresh, local, in-season fruits and vegetables. Antioxidant-rich produce should form the foundation of your meals.
  • Move your body more. Experts recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. That may sound like a lot, but it’s about 22 minutes per day of an activity like brisk walking. Aim for a blend of cardio, strength training exercises and movements to improve balance.
  • Prioritize getting enough sleep. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimal health. If you’re consistently getting less than that, create a routine that will set you up for better sleep. Don’t fall for the myth that more sleep is better, though. Regularly getting too much sleep can also be bad for your health.

Make today the day you take steps to improve your health and celebrate your right to access the services and support you need.

An annual checkup plays an important role in keeping you healthy and strong. Schedule an appointment today with a primary care provider at West Jefferson Medical Center.