Local organization provides support for breast cancer programs

Local organization provides support for breast cancer programs

Fishing for Charities, Inc. has awarded a $30,000 contribution to the West Jefferson Hospital Foundation. The donation is earmarked to support breast cancer programs at the West Jefferson Medical Center Cancer Center.

Yvette and Mark Bergeron, founders of Fishing for Charities, Inc., a 501(c)(3) public charity, presented the donation to the West Jefferson Hospital Foundation Board at their quarterly meeting. Funds were raised at the Myrtle Grove Marina during the Fishing for Charities, Inc. annual rodeo called “Fishing for the Girls.” WJMC Oncology Clinic physician Nelly Aoun, MD, Cancer Center Director Lori Dean, RN, BSN, OCN, and Chris Breaux, President of the WJ Hospital Foundation were on hand to accept the gracious donation.

We are honored that Fishing for Charities chose us to be of service and to provide supportive care to breast cancer patients during their difficult journey,” said Dr. Nelly Aoun. “Thank you for the generous donation to our Cancer Center.”

According to Susan Trantham, Executive Director of the WJ Hospital Foundation, Fishing for the Girls will be formally recognized on the brass Tree of Life in the West Jefferson Cancer Center. “We appreciate this very generous donation,” said Chris Breaux, President of the West Jefferson Hospital Foundation and a cancer survivor. “Attending the rodeo in Plaquemines Parish gave me a close-up view of the deep commitment of the Bergerons to local breast cancer care and the generosity of the Plaquemine Parish community. We greatly appreciate this gift and on behalf of our board and patients we wish Fishing for Charities continued success in their fundraising and community endeavors.”

“Yvette and I are very thankful to all the generous sponsors, volunteers and participants who are passionate about helping women who are afflicted with breast cancer,” said Mark Bergeron. “We look forward to this year’s rodeo, which will be held October 19, 2019. We hope to see you there!”

“We look forward to placing a brass stone on our Tree of Life further celebrating the donation from Fishing for the Girls for our patients, families and staff to see,” Trantham added. “In this way, our patients and their loved ones will further know of the generosity of the rodeo leaders, sponsors and participants.”

To learn more, visit the Fishing for Charities website www.fishing4charities.com or call the WJ Hospital Foundation office at 504-349-6663.

For information about the WJMC Cancer Center and the services provided, visit Cancer Center.