WJ Heart Clinic of Louisiana Physicians Certified in New Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiology Specialty

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Two West Jefferson Heart Clinic of Louisiana (WJHCL) physicians are among only 492 physicians in the world who have been certified in Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), since the program was implemented in 2010. Dr. Louis Glade, Clinical Director of WJHCL, and Dr. Stephen LaGuardia of WJHCL were recently awarded the new specialty certification.

“This new, robust specialty area was created because of the rapid progress in treatment options for patients with heart failure and the ever growing need to assess, monitor and advance new technologies for patients,” said Nancy R. Cassagne, CEO of West Jefferson Medical Center.   “I am very pleased to be among the first to congratulate Doctors Louis Glade and Stephen LaGuardia on becoming part of a select group of physicians certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in the new Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology specialty.”  

The Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology Certification is designed to recognize the qualifications of physicians who have met ABIM standards for specialists in advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology. This certification encompasses the special knowledge and skills required of cardiologists for evaluating and optimally managing patients with heart failure, particularly those with advanced heart failure; those with devices, including ventricular assist devices; and those who have undergone or are awaiting cardiac transplantation.  

With the U.S. population aging and improved survival after heart attack, heart failure prevalence continues to climb. At the same time, major advances in diagnosis and treatment have converted the diagnosis of heart failure from that of an extremely high mortality rate to one of cautious hope, with many patients living long and active lives after diagnosis.  

While most heart failure patients will continue to be managed by their general internists or cardiologists, the new subspecialists will serve as consultants for patients with worsening heart failure and those who need more advanced care. The ABIM indicates Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiologists will also play a critical role as leaders of specialized services, such as transplant centers and heart failure clinics. They will be cardiologists with experience in managing the entire spectrum of patients with heart failure with proficiency in the expanding range of treatment techniques.   

From early prevention strategies to end‐stage treatment options, WJHCLA’s experienced heart failure specialists offer options to help patients live longer, healthier lives.