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Research and Stats

  • 13.6% of people aged 45 and older have subjective cognitive decline
  • 92,000 people aged 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s in Louisiana
  • 207,000 Alzheimer’s cases in the tri-state region of LA, MS, AR
  • 200,000 family caregivers bear the burden of Alzheimer’s in Louisiana
  • 363M hours of unpaid care provided by caregivers
  • $4.8B is the value of the unpaid care
  • $765M is the cost of Alzheimer’s to Louisiana Medicaid
  • Alzheimer’s disease can be predicted and prevented
    • 5% of the world population has a high risk for Alzheimer’s
    • 1:5 women and 1:10 men will develop Alzheimer’s disease in their lifetime
    • The US prevalence will triple by 2050 (from 5M to 15M cases)
    • The US cost per year will grow exponentially by 2050 (from $300B to $1.5T)
    • There are 3.56M adults in Louisiana; 178,000 at high risk for Alzheimer’s
    • There are 7.81M adults in the tri-state region (LA, MS, AR) - 390,500 at high risk for Alzheimer’s
    • There are no Alzheimer’s centers in the region
  • Healthy brain habits can lower risks by more than 50%. Activities include:
    • Aerobic exercise
    • Mental exercise
    • Social activity
    • Mediterranean diet
    • Supplements
    • Sleep habits
    • Manage co-morbidities (medical/dental)
    • Safety (head injury prevention)