Mental Health Resources

Resources and support for persons living with mental illness

It's normal to feel stressed or anxious now and then. But it's time to call for help if emotional issues last for a long time, And if they interfere with your life, your job, or your personal relationships.

This page includes a community resource guide for our patients and community members to help you access mental health services in the Greater New Orleans Area.

Algiers-Fischer Behavioral Health Center
(504) 361-6500,
4440 Gen. Meyers (in trailer next to JoEllen Smith building), Algiers
M-F, 8-4:30
Mental health services provided for adults & children, including medication, crisis counseling, outpatient mental health services for adults, addictive disorders counselors. Sliding scale based on income, call for info; Walk-in or Appt. Spanish spoken? N
American Active Rehab Inc

(504) 263-1403
401 Whitney Ave, Gretna
M-F, 9-5
Mental health care for children.
Medicaid only; Appointment Only Spanish spoken? N
Assurance Care Provider

504-472-0068, fax 504-472-0078,
2145 Rev. Richard Wilson Dr., Kenner
M-F 9-5
Mental health services for adults, adolescents and children (6+).
Medicaid; Call or Walk-in. Spanish spoken? N
Beacon Behavioral Health

3200 Ridgelake Dr., Ste 100, Metairie 70002 M-F Outpatient therapy for adults, including elderly, to improve or maintain an individual's ability to function as well as alleviate symptoms that may significantly interfere with functioning in at least one life domain (familial, social, occupational and/or educational). Insurance, Medicare; Call clinic to schedule assessment Spanish spoken? N
Ciara Community Services - CCANO Program

(504) 524-8394
1131 St. Andrew, New Orleans
Office 9-5, facility 24 hours
Housing options for persons with chronic mental illness, who are referred through Metro Human Services.
Flat rate; Appt. only Spanish spoken? N
Celebration Hope Center

1901-B Airline Dr., Metairie
Faith-based program offering group, individual and couple counseling sessions; various support groups including mental health & substance abuse.
Sliding Scale, No one is turned away; Spanish spoken? N
Central City Behavioral Health Clinic

(504) 568-6650, (504) 568-4667 fax;
2221 Philip St., next to Edna Pillsbury, New Orleans
M-F, 8-4:30
Mental health services provided, including medication, crisis counseling, outpatient mental health services for adults, addictive disorders counselors, and developmental disorders counselors. Preliminary screening visit required for each new patients before psychiatrist or counseling visit scheduled. Same day psychiatrist visits can sometimes be arranged for acute patients.
Insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, or otherwise free or "flex pay" for low-income individuals; no one turned away; Appt. and walk-in OK Spanish spoken? N
Chartres-Pontchartrain Behavioral Health Center

719 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, 70117
M-Fri, 8-4:30;
M & W Medicaid applications Mental health services provided, including medication, crisis counseling, outpatient mental health services for adults, addictive disorders counselors, and developmental disorders counselors. Preliminary screening visit required for each new patient before psychiatrist or counseling visit scheduled. Same day psychiatrist visits can sometimes be arranged for acute patients.
Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance; Fees on sliding scale with proof of income; Walkin OK, Appts. recommended Spanish spoken? Y, Se habla espanol
Children's Bureau

(504)525-2366, 2626 Canal St., Ste 201, New Orleans
M-F 9-5
Provides individual counseling for children (under 18) affected by grief & trauma, domestic violence, SIDS or disaster in Orleans and Jefferson Parishes and surrounding areas. Mental health rehabilitation service with diagnosis (Medicaid program) - psychiatric services, medication management, intensive individual & family therapy available.
Free; Appt. only Spanish spoken? N
Community Care Hospital

(504) 899-2500 or 1-866-695-CARE, 24 Hour Line
1421 General Taylor St., New Orleans Inpatient psychiatric care for adult and geriatric patients. 21-bed capacity. Also outpatient 2-3 day/week and partial patient 5 day/week support and counseling.
Payment method & amount decided on a case by case basis; Appointment Only Spanish spoken? N
Cope Line by Via Link

(504) 269-COPE (2673) or (800) 749-COPE (2673) or 211; Also Nat'l Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255;
24 hours Information & social services for persons in crisis including counseling, referrals and connecting to community resources. Spanish spoken? Y, using ATT translation
Counseling and Training Center at Our Lady of Holy Cross College

4123 Woodland Dr, New Orleans (Algiers)
M-Th 11-8
Counseling services are administered by either graduate students or post-graduate students.
$15 per session, check or cash, no Medicare; reduced cost on case by case basis; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
Counseling Solutions CCANO Program
(504) 835-5007, 1-866-891-2210 Care line;
6220 LaSalle Place, New Orleans
Individual, marital and family counseling by masters-level therapists. Medication management by psychiatrists.
Sliding scale based on income (proof of income required), initial assessments $175, accepts some private insurance; Call for more info, appt. only Spanish spoken? N
Crescent Care

3308 Tulane Ave, New Orleans, LA 70119
P: (504) 207-2273
Offers wrap around health services at a sliding scale (all insured and uninsured welcome). Primary care for adults, Primary care in pediatrics for children and families, Primary care for the LGBT community, Behavioral health, Case management, HIV and STD services and support, Sexual Health Center, Dental services, Nutritionist consultations, A clinical pharmacist, OB/GYN services, Transgender care, Hepatitis C treatment, Health education and prevention counseling, Employment counseling and skill-building classes, A PrEP clinic, Medication assistance
Daughters of Charity

3201 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 207-3060
- All Daughters of Charity Health Centers proudly accept Commerical Insurance, GNOCHC, Medicaid and Medicare. A sliding fee scale (discounted fee schedule) also is available for those who qualify. Self-Pay/Uninsured medical and behavioral health patients who qualify
- Primary Medical Care for All Ages / Management of Chronic Illnesses / Pediatric Services (primary and preventive care for infants, children and adolescents; school, sports and camp physicals; immunizations; well-baby visits; and sick-child appointments) / Women's Health (OB/GYN and Prenatal Care) / Behavioral Health / Full-Service Dental Care (Bywater, Carrollton, and Gentilly health centers only) / Eye Care (Carrollton health center only) / Pharmacy Services for Daughters of Charity Health Center Patients / Women, Infants and Children (WIC) (Bywater and Carrollton health centers only) / Medicaid Enrollment / Affordable Care Act/Health Insurance Marketplace Enrollment Assistance
Enhanced Health Treatment

8070 Crowder Blvd., Ste. B, New Orleans
M-F 9-1 (office hours 8-4:30)
Community Mental Health Center offering a Partial Hospitalization Program designed as an alternative to inpatient hospitalization. Transportation, breakfast & lunch, individual & group counseling, psychiatry & medication. Medicare only; Spanish spoken? N
Family Services GNO

(Main Line) Eastbank:(504) 822-0800, Westbank: (504) 361-0926, East Jeff: 504-733- 4099; St. Bernard: 504-271-3781
Eastbank: 2515 Canal St., New Orleans, 70119;
Westbank: 1799 Stumpf, Suite 7, Bldg 2, Gretna;
St. Bernard: 8352 Lafitte; East Jeff: 201 Evans Rd., Bldg 3, Ste 301,
M-F 8:30-6
Individual, couples and family counseling. Programs include anger management, substance abuse, sex offender, domestic violence, Victims of Criminal Acts (VOCA), active parenting and children in crisis. Must be assessed at first visit.
Sliding Scale, no one turned away; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? Y, call to confirm
Holistic Concepts

504-822-4054, fax 504-281-4235
1836 Bayou Rd., New Orleans, 70116
M-F, 8:30-5
Psychosocial skills groups 5 days/week, PCA, PC NOW, PC SIL (waiver programs for mental help development problems such as cerebral palsy and Down's syndrome), counseling, community support (in homes), medication management (psychiatrists, social workers & RN on staff).
Medicaid, Medicare; Call for appt. or Walk-in Spanish spoken? N; some sign language
Integrated Family Services

(504) 822-4333,
2714 Canal St., Suite 314, New Orleans, 70119
M-F 8-4
Individual and family counseling; Children ages 6-17 with behavioral problems in school or at home.
Medicaid only; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority

(504) 349-8833 for West Bank residents or (504) 838-5257 for East Bank residents; After hours crisis line: (504) 832-5123;
Administrative Offices: 3300 West Esplanade Ave., Ste 213, Metairie, 70002
Office hours M-F 8-4:30
Adult and child mental health, addictive disorders and developmental disability services are provided. Services include psychiatric, psychological, counseling, case management, and crisis. Services are provided in individual and in group settings. Selected evening services are available. JPHSA Locations:
* Access Service Center West Bank, 5001 WB Expressway, Marrero, LA 70072;
*Access Service Center East Bank 2400 Edenborn Ave., Metairie, LA 70001 (walk-in 8-3);
* Adult Community Behavioral Health Services, 2121 Ridgelake Ave., Ste 101, Metairie, LA 70001,
* Community Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families, 3300 West Esplanade Ave., Ste 208, Metairie, Louisiana 70002
* Compulsive Gambling Treatment Program, 1506 Williams Blvd., Kenner, LA 70062;
* East Bank Adult/Child & Family Services Center, 2400 Edenborn Ave., Metairie, LA 70001;
* Kenner Adult/Child & Family Services Center, 1506 Williams Blvd., Kenner, LA 70062
* West Bank Adult/Child & Family Services Center, 5001 West Bank Expressway, Marrero, LA 70072;
Sliding Scale (with paycheck stub), Medicaid, Medicare, some private insurance; Spanish spoken? Y, at some locations, call 471-2700
Jewish Family Service

(504) 831-8475,
3330 West Esplanade Ave. Suite 600, Metairie
M-F 9-5
Social services including individual & group counseling (all ages), suicide prevention life line, support groups and services for disabled and elderly persons, including homemaking, case management.
Sliding scale $25 & up, no one turned away; Spanish spoken? N, call ahead to arrange interpreting
Louisiana Spirit

(866) 891-2210; 24 Hour Talk Line 1-800-273-(TALK) 8255;
M-F 8:30-5, phones answered 24/7
Crisis counseling with referrals to other mental health services.
Free; Call for info Spanish spoken? Y, Se habla espanol
LSU Psychiatry Access to Care

(504) 412-1309, (504) 412-1540, fax (504) 412-1536,
3450 Chestnut St., New Orleans
M-F 8-5
Psychiatry and counseling services for adults and children. Call to make psychiatry appointments, but counseling services are by referral only.
Patient will be billed $50 for first visit. Accepts residents of all LA parishes. Must have photo ID. $50 for first visit, $25 each for further visits; Call for appt, 1 month wait list. Spanish spoken? N
Louisiana Youth Enhanced Services

Clinic 504-483-1985, Fax: 504-483-1984, 3801 Canal St., Ste 210, New Orleans, 70119 M-F 8-4:30
Mental health clinic for children, program for children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. LA Office of Mental Health coordinates referrals to appropriate services. Website serves as resource for child/youth mental health.
Free, Medciad, private insurance; Call or visit website for complete info Spanish spoken? N
Mercy Family Center

Algiers 504-376-2590 Metairie 504-838-8283
3221 Behrman Pl., Ste 105, New Orleans, 70114,
Psychological counseling & treatment for children, youth & adults at two GNO locations. Medicaid, Insurance, Sliding scale; Appointment Only Spanish spoken? Y
Metropolitan Human Services District

1010 Common St.m Ste 600, New Orleans Office hours M-F 8-4:30
Outpatient mental health services provided for adults, including medication, crisis counseling, addictive disorders counselors. Services at 7 locations in Orleans, St. Bernard & Plaquemines Parishes, coordinated through main MHSD office at number above. Locations listed below. Central City Behavioral Health Center: 2221 Phillip St., New Orleans, 70113
ChartresPontchartrain Behavioral Health Center: 719 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans, 70117
Algiers-Fischer Behavioral Health Center: 4422 Gen. Meyer Ave., Ste 203, New Orleans, 70131
New Orleans East Behavioral Health Center: 5640 Read Blvd., Ste 810, New Orleans, 70127
Plaquemines Behavioral health Center: 103 Avenue A, Belle Chassee, 70037
St. Bernard Behavioral Health Center: 7407 St. Bernard Hwy., Ste A, Arabi, 70032
MHSD Behavioral Court Center: 2601 Tulane Ave. 8th Fl., New Orleans, 70119
Sliding Scale based on income, call for info; Appointment only Spanish spoken? Y, at some locations, inquire on main office line
Milestones Mental Health Agency

504-483-9883, fax 504-483-9082,
4919 Canal St., Ste 203, 70115, New Orleans M-Th 9-5, F 9-4
In-home mental health services for children and teenagers, including skills training; also family services and parenting help. Call w/ referral or to confirm eligibility.
For residents of Orleans & Jefferson Parishes.
Medicaid; Appointment Only Spanish spoken? N
National Alliance on Mental Illness

Main Number: 504-896-2345 West Bank: 504-368-1944
1538 Louisiana Ave., New Orleans
M-F 8:30-4:30 Office Hours, Drop-In Center T & Th 2-5, Sat 12-5
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - New Orleans, provides mental health day treatment and services to adults with chronic mental illnesses. Current free programs include:
Eastbank drop-in center: 1538 Louisiana Ave., New Orleans.Hours: Tu., Th. 1:30-4:30pm, Sat. 12-5pm. For more info. call Ally Dever (504) 896-2345.
Westbank drop-in center: 2051 8th St., Harvey. Hours: M, Tu, F 2-5pm and Sat. 10-4. For more info. call Susan Cart (504) 368-1944.
Peer-to-Peer Education Program: a 10-week course, taught by adults living with mental illness for adults living with mental illness; learn how to establish and maintain wellness and recovery. Call Deanna Lainez (Eastbank) (504) 896-2345, or Susan Cart (Westbank) (504) 368-1944 to register.
Family Support Group: For family members of people with mental illness. First Weds. of every month, 6:30-8pm 1538 Louisiana Ave. Everyone welcome!
Family-to-Family Education Program: a 12-week course taught by family members for family members. Call Grace (504) 896-2345 to register.
Family Resource Specialist Cecile Tebo, LCSW. Available to help connect family members with resources, information and support for their family member and themselves. Thurs. from 3-6pm, by phone or in person 1538 Louisiana. Call Grace (504) 896-2345 to make an appointment, or e-mail
Drop-In Center is free; Medicaid and other insurance accepted for additional services; Walk-In during Drop-In hours or Call for Appointment Spanish spoken? Y
National Suicide Prevention Hotline

800-273-8255 (English & Spanish), 888-628-9454 (Spanish), 800-799-4889 for hearing & speech impaired with TTY,
24 Hours Counseling and support. Spanish spoken? Y, Se habla espanol
New Horizons Youth Service Bureau

(985) 345-1171,
47257 River Road, PO Box 1968, Hammond, 70403
M-F, 8-5
Counseling center with programs for children/adolescents age 3-18 and their families, focusing on substance abuse or psychiatric problems; Counseling available by appointment, for adults as well.
Sliding scale options for counseling (with paycheck stub), $25-75, also Medicaid; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
Positive Living Treatment Center

3330 Canal St., New Orleans
M-F 9-5
Community mental health center dedicated to quality care of individuals with diminished functioning capabilities due to an emotional or psychiatric disorder. PLTC offers an alternative to an inpatient setting and a transitional, psycho-social rehab option that fosters independence, dignity and respect for all persons served through a partial hospitalization program, as well as a community based outreach program. Call for Appt./Intake info Spanish spoken? N
Project Rising Sun

504-261-1920, Drumming circles specifically for: youth in need of anger management, coping and good choice skills; people who work with these youth to keep their coping skills fresh; people/kids attending health and wellness fairs; people affected by the BP oil spill.
Free or sliding scale, call for info; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
RTC Providers, Inc.

504-483-0415, fax 504-486-2538,
330 N Jefferson Davis Pkwy., New Orleans
M-F 8:30-5, 24 Hour Answering Service Psychosocial skills, community support for adults and children.
Medicaid; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
RTC Providers, Inc.

504-483-0415, fax 504-486-2538,
330 N Jefferson Davis Pkwy., New Orleans
M-F 8:30-5, 24 Hour Answering Service Psychosocial skills, community support for adults and children.
Medicaid; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
River of Hope Mental Health Resource Center

(504) 943-0207
1600 Alvar Street, New Orleans (9th Ward), across from New Salem Baptist Church
By appointment only Counseling, referral & support services to anyone in need.
Free; Appt. only Spanish spoken? N
St. Bernard Project Mental Health & Wellness Program

504-277-6831, Clinic 504-278-5544,
600 W Liberaux, Chalmette, LA 70043
Mental health clinic and community support for residents of St. Bernard; Call or check website for updated info.
Call or check website for schedules Spanish spoken? N
Seaside Behavioral Health Center

229 Bellemeade Blvd., Gretna
Clinic M-F 7:30-5
Outpatient group therapy for mental health and free, confidential referrals. Services include anger management classes, domestic violence programs, women's support group, treatment for addictive disorders, anxiety sufferers support group, grief support group, IOP programs, many other services. Medicare; Call for schedules Spanish spoken? N
St Thomas Community Health Clinic

1936 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 529-5558
Pediatric & Adult Primary Care / Women's Health / Optometry / Health Education & Counseling / Chronic Disease Management / Infectious Diseases / Mammography / Obstetrics / Dermatology / Counseling / Chronic Depression / Stress Management / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Trinity Counseling and Training Center
(504) 522-7557
2108 Coliseum St. behind Trinity Church (Between Jackson and Josephine), New Orleans
M-Th 9-8
Individual, group (groups change each semester), couple and family counseling for all ages. Please call and leave message with call back information if interested.
Sliding Scale (bring ID & proof of income), No one turned away due to inability to pay; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
Tulane Behavioral Health Center - Tulane Medical Center

504-988-4794, 988-4677
1415 Tulane Ave, 4th Floor of Hospital, New Orleans, 70112
M-Th 8:30-5, F 8-4:30
Outpatient services for all psychiatric disorders serving children, adolescents, and adults. Services include medication management, therapy, and counseling. Medicare accepted by faculty physician; For residents, $50 first visit, sliding scale after that; Appt. Only Spanish spoken? N
Volunteers of America (VOA) - Mental Health Services

(504) 485-0147 or 504-482-2130
127 S. Solomon St., New Orleans
Support for homeless persons with mental illness. Call for referrals to any service, including case management and supportive housing for Mental Health patients.
Free; Call for referrals Spanish spoken? N
West Jefferson Behavioral Medicine Center

229 Bellemeade Blvd., Gretna
M-F 7:30-9
Individual therapy options as well as free, confidential referrals. Services include anger management classes, domestic violence programs, women's support group, treatment for addictive disorders, anxiety sufferers support group, grief support group, Alzheimer's day program, PHP and IOP programs, many other services.
Medicare, Private Insurance, Cash; Call for schedules Spanish spoken? N
Youth Link

(504) 895-2550, 24 Hour Call Line
Emergency counseling, referral service and talk line for anyone feeling suicidal or depressed, geared toward teens and young adults.
Free; Spanish spoken? Y, Se habla espanol