Case Management

Supporting Patient Well Being Through Coordination of Care.

elderly woman speaking with female physician

Case management is a collective effort to assess, plan, facilitate, and evaluate each patient’s unique health and care needs. By working together, case management team members are able to educate and communicate with patients while helping them achieve comprehensive wellness.

Touro’s case management team coordinates all aspects of patient services in order to ensure the highest quality of care for each patient. This team is made up of nurses, social workers, and support staff who are available to patients and their families during their hospital stay.

Our case management team works with patients to coordinate options for:

  • Skilled nursing or extended care
  • Rehabilitation
  • Medical equipment
  • Outpatient services
  • Home health/hospice
  • Assisted living
  • Nursing homes
  • Explanation of insurance benefits
  • Referrals to community resources

Each member of the team contributes a unique and important piece to the patient’s overall care and transition when leaving the hospital. Nurses assess and adapt medical care, while our hospital social workers are trained to help patients adjust to changes while in the hospital and at the time of discharge.

The team can help by providing:

  • Emotional support
  • Limited counseling
  • Information and education
  • Family meetings with the physician
  • Community resource referrals

In order to provide the best care possible, we encourage patients and their families to speak with our case management team members and alert them to any services that could improve the patient’s care plan. At Touro, we believe that an open dialogue and honest communication are the cornerstones of effective case management.

Touro Case Management Department
Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday