You Have To Have A Doctor You Can Talk To

  • Author: Kaye K.
  • Date Submitted: Aug 10, 2018
  • Category: Cancer Program

“ Dr. Zakris was highly recommended. I love her and her staff. They are fabulous. When you are going through something like this, their friendliness really puts you at ease.”

KayeAs a retired nurse, Kaye has a different perspective compared to other patients.

“Having a background in nursing, I have more respect for the people who take care of me and am probably more observant than the average person,” she said.

When she was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2007, she was in a unique position, one in which she didn’t want to know too much about her cancer.

“A little knowledge can be a lot scary,” she said. “I thought to myself, ‘I can’t have cancer.’ I had no family history and had my regular mammograms. I wasn’t going to let it consume my life.”

Kaye feels strongly about putting trust in your doctors.

“You have to have a doctor you can talk to,” she said. “I really lucked out—I have some of the best doctors.”

Both chemotherapy and radiation were required as part of Kaye’s treatment plan.

“Dr. Zakris was highly recommended,” she said. “I love her and her staff. They are fabulous. When you are going through something like this, their friendliness really puts you at ease.”

The New Orleans native has stayed busy even during treatment, traveling between her house on the Lakefront and St. Francisville, where she and her husband are renovating a home.