Touro Mom
- Author: Amanda Milliken
- Category: 100 Years of Stories

“ It is ingrained in your brain. All babies come from Touro. My mother is from New Orleans, and I grew up in South Mississippi. After Katrina, I lived in New Orleans.”
“It is ingrained in your brain. All babies come from Touro,’” says Touro mom Amanda Milliken. “My mother is from New Orleans, and I grew up in South Mississippi. After Katrina, I lived in New Orleans.”
Milliken delivered at Touro’s Family Birth Center. Her son, Jaxon, and her daughter, Zelda, were born healthy. Today, they are ages 10 and 4, respectively. Her daughter Nola was a complicated birth and, sadly, was stillborn.
“After losing my daughter, Nola, the members of Touro's staff helped me in more ways than I can say. When I hurt, they hurt. When I cried, someone was there crying with me. When I needed a hug, there were someone's arms that were there to wrap around me to help me not shatter,“ Milliken recalls. “When I was blessed to have Jaxon a year and 19 days later, they were overjoyed with me. They were just as excited as I was that I had a second chance at having a little girl when Zelda was born.”
Now living in upstate New York, Milliken adds, “Thank you so very much for everyone there! Y’all are truly saints on earth! Touro will always hold a very special place in my heart.”