Touro Mom

  • Author: Elizabeth, Touro Mom Frien
  • Date Submitted: Jan 28, 2022
  • Category: 100 Years of Stories

“ A kind and caring team is waiting for you and your baby at Touro”

Why did you chose to deliver at Touro?

"Feeling like my doctor truly cared about me and the well-being of my babies."

Do you have a favorite memory or experience at Touro?

"Hearing the lullaby played twice over the loudspeaker after my twins were born."

What does a 100-year legacy of delivering babies mean to you?

"My mother along with all of her siblings were born at Touro. My twins were born at Touro. 100 years of delivering babies means this institution and the people who work there know what they are doing to care for all babies in the city from all kinds of families"

What message would you share with future Touro babies or Touro moms?

"A kind and caring team is waiting for you and your baby at Touro."

Learn more about 100 years of Touro babies:

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