Touro Baby

  • Author: Tierza "T-Pot" Simmons
  • Date Submitted: Apr 4, 2022
  • Category: 100 Years of Stories

“ I just feel like Touro IS New Orleans. It's where I got my start!”

Meet Tierza Simmons! Some of us may know her as "T-pot" on WEZB B97 radio. T-pot was born and raised in New Orleans and has been working with WEZB since she was 19! Not only is T-pot a Touro baby but so is her nieces and nephews. In fact, her sister recently had a baby delivered at Touro not that long ago.

T-pot still walks the halls of Touro since all of her mom's doctors are here. She laughs while telling us that she frequently asks her mom "Hey mom, are you at Hotel de Touro' again?!"

See what else T-pot has to tell us below:

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