Touro Baby + Mom

  • Author: Stephanie Kaston
  • Date Submitted: May 20, 2022
  • Category: 100 Years of Stories

“ Touro is a place with deep roots and long branches that stretch into the community. I love traditions. My brother and I were born at Touro and so were my children and my nieces.”

Meet Touro mom and Touro baby, Stephanie Kaston. Here's her story...

“Welcome to the club” is Stephanie Kaston’s message to future Touro moms and babies.

“Touro is where babies come from” was a phrase she heard a lot when she was a kid growing up in New Orleans. “My brother and I were born at Touro and so were my children and my nieces”, recalled Stephanie, a realtor and business owner. “I don’t know if there are many other places where people take pride in where they were born so, specifically, I’m a Touro baby.”

Her daughters are also Touro babies. When she went into labor for her first child, it was a breech birth, and she remembers thinking that her natural birth plan “just went out the window”. An emergency C-section was required. It was scary and exhausting, but at the same time very “zen” as she described it because the staff made her feel so safe. She didn’t feel any sense of panic. With a great sense of humor, her first reaction after delivery was “she’s so hairy”.

Her second pregnancy was a healthy one. When she went into labor four days late, that was her first night away from her firstborn. After laboring for 24 hours, she had a normal delivery and opted for the epidural saying jokingly “I took the drugs.”

“I adored the nurses. They were funny and really great,” Stephanie said. “The staff and my care team made me feel like the only patient in the hospital. I had such different experiences, and both made me appreciate Touro and my doctor.”

She is proud to be raising 8th generation New Orleanians and proud of the legacy her parents, grandparents, and great...great grandparents have built. Stephanie is also excited to see how her own kids will grow to enjoy and feel pride in this special place. She feels there are many cities, but only one New Orleans.

“Touro is a place with deep roots and long branches that stretch into the community. I love traditions.” Stephanie added. “I love knowing my girls may deliver at Touro and when they do, they will be cared for and kept safe.”

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