Thank you

  • Author: Debbie N.
  • Date Submitted: Nov 2, 2021

“ It was the courage and fortitude I saw in your team that made me feel safe, secure, and gave me courage.”

Dear Dr. Zakris and Team,

I just wanted to thank you for all the "I care" that you and your team have shown me over the past month and a half. I never had fear or apprehension about coming to the hospital for my treatments, even in the midst of COVID-19. We laughed about it being my daily outing from the "shelter in place" lockdown. But really I could have found other things to do if I just wanted an outing. No, it was the courage and fortitude I saw in your team that made me feel safe, secure and gave me courage.

Matthew 25:36, 40 Amplified Bible
36...I was sick, and you visited Me [with help and ministering care]; the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for me.

Thank you for being the arms and heart of God in my life at this time. I will always think of you with love and appreciation.