Patricia's Cancer Journey

  • Author: Patricia T.
  • Date Submitted: Nov 2, 2021
  • Category: Survivor Stories

“ I have a family that’s with me all the way. As I walk through my treatment, they walk with me.”

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2017. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I cried a lot. It was like a funeral to me. My treatment included 8 rounds of chemoradiation and 39-40 radiations. I had a little setback with chemo – I had an allergic reaction to one of the chemos they were giving me.

I finished my chemo in November 2017. I had my surgery, mastectomy, on December 6, 2017. After the mastectomy, I then started seeing Dr. Tandon for reconstruction.

I still have a bad case of neuropathy. My oncologist said the neuropathy could last a long, long time. I have difficulty sleeping sometimes because of it. I often wish the ground was made of cotton to put my feet on and ease the pain. My hands burn all the time. Being able to get my treatment here in the cancer rehab means a lot to me. They’re very helpful and very nice. I love them too.

I had Dr. Caputto, Dr. Colfry, and Dr. Tandon as my physicians. I love all three of them; they’re amazing and awesome.

I meet a lot of people here at Touro. I see the psychiatrist sometimes too because I have some issues with anxiety and dealing with cancer itself. That was very frightening for me. I was devastated about it. Right now, I’m doing okay and recovering.

Touro is the best place for me. I have nothing to complain about here. They have been the best. I started with the Daughters of Charity and they sent me here to do some tests and that’s how I got here. They sent me to the best – top-notch.

I know I’m more than a survivor. I’m strong. I’m a fighter. I have so much to fight for; lots of grandkids. I have a family that’s with me all the way. As I walk through my treatment, they walk with me. Cancer isn’t a death sentence. I thank God every day for my doctors, I love them.