Debbie's survivor story
- Author: Debbie G.
- Category: Survivor Stories

“ You just have to stay positive when you get diagnosed with cancer – that’s what got me through it. I have the greatest support system between my husband, my work, my friends, and my coworkers - it was amazing.”
Every year I get my mammogram. I got my mammogram in November of last year and my doctor called me and said that he thought I need to go back and get a more extensive mammogram and ultrasound. I did that in early December and on December 13th I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast.
When I found out, I was devastated. The word “cancer” scares everybody and being proactive as I was, I never thought that I would ever have to deal with that.
I work for the Saints and our team doctor referred me to Dr. Colfry, who I love! They set me up with an appointment with Dr. Colfry. I went from Dr. Colfry, to Dr. Zacharia, and then Dr. Zakris – all on the same day. It was amazing.
I had my double mastectomy on January 13. After the surgery, my husband was told by my surgeon that “someone must have been looking over your wife because the right side showed the suspect that it could have metastasized.” It was a good thing I got a double mastectomy because while my cancer was in the left breast, there was some suspicious growth in my right breast that could have metastasized down the road.
Then I started chemo on February 13 and went through 16 rounds of chemo and then through 28 days of radiation. The staff in the Infusion Center were very safe throughout COVID and I felt very comfortable with Dr. Zakris and her staff. The biggest accomplishment was ringing that bell after my last infusion treatment.
You just have to stay positive when you get diagnosed with cancer – that’s what got me through it. I have the greatest support system between my husband, my work, my friends, and my coworkers - it was amazing.