Stroke Specialty Program

New Orleans Stroke Rehabilitation & Therapy

The CARF Stroke Specialty Program at Touro Rehabilitation Center offers a unique, patient-focused recovery program. A stroke, whether the result of a blood clot or bleed in the brain, can affect an individual’s independence through changes in mobility, communication, coordination, memory and vision. The stroke specialty program is dedicated to regaining their independence, adjusting emotionally to life, and addressing risk factors associated with a stroke. Setting realistic short- and long-term goals and addressing all aspects of life after stroke includes education, return to work, social life, leisure, recreation and athletics.

Stroke Rehabilitation Treatment Team

A dedicated treatment team of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation doctors, certified rehabilitation nurses and specialized therapists are committed to providing individualized care tfollowing a stroke by increasing function, encouraging independence, and facilitating a safe return to the community.

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician
  • Certified Rehabilitation Nurses
  • Rehabilitation Case Manager
  • Physical, Occupational, and Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
  • Behavior Specialist
  • Dietitian
  • Respiratory Therapists
  • Neuropsychologist
  • Chaplain
  • Other specialists from Touro Hospital may be consulted, based on individual needs

Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy

Therapy emphasizes training for patients and their families or support system to ease the transition from the hospital to home or the next level of care. Patients at a variety of functional levels receive comprehensive interdisciplinary care targeting personalized patient and family goals. This family-oriented program will develop and execute individual treatment plans to address physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social interaction skills, while working toward achieving realistic educational, vocational, social and/or leisure goals.

Stroke Education & Support

Education Classes

Training prepares caregivers for assisting patients at home. The interdisciplinary rehab team provides classes on:

  • Nursing Issues After Stroke
    • Bowel and bladder retraining
    • Skin care
    • Medications
  • Nutrition
  • Role of Physical Therapy after a Stroke
  • Role of Occupational Therapy after a Stroke
  • Role of Speech Therapy after a Stroke
  • Counseling and Family Participation in Stroke Rehab
  • Neuropsychology in Stroke Rehab
  • Measuring Success, Case Management, and Community Resources in Stroke Rehab

Family Education Day

All patients in the Stroke Program receive an education manual which details all topics covered during Stroke Family Education Day. Additionally, the manual contains a resource section including information regarding general stroke information, community resources, emergency preparedness, adaptive sports, adventure opportunities, and stroke publications. Family Stroke Education Day is available for families and friends of stroke survivors once a month on a Monday. It will not be scheduled on a Monday that conflicts with the Family Brain Injury Education Day. For more information call 504.897.7600

Support Group

Our Neuro Support Group for patients and caregivers who have had a stroke or brain injury is held on the first Tuesday of each month in the M6 Conference Room from 3:30pm-4:30pm. It is free and open to the public as a resource and support system following a stroke or brain injury.

Nutrition Class

Twice each month a nutrition class is led by a registered dietitian. This class is specifically geared towards individuals who have had a stroke or who have Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). Nutritional education specific to improving blood glucose, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are covered. To sign up for nutrition education class contact Liz Cabrera at

Peer Mentoring

Peer mentoring takes place weekly. Patients have the opportunity to speak with someone who has successfully reintegrated into the community following stroke.

Stroke Specialty Program Referrals - Inpatient

Inpatient Rehab Referral Information

Stroke inpatient referrals are accepted based on specific patient qualifications. Call 504.897.8560 or email

Stroke Outpatient Rehabilitation Referrals

Neuro Rehabilitation Center (Outpatient)
1525 St. Charles Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone number: 504.608.9454
Fax number: 504.897.8938
