Spinal Cord Injury Program

New Orleans Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation & Therapy

Being diagnosed with a spinal cord injury (SCI) is a major life event. Whether the spinal cord injury was acquired from a traumatic event, disc herniation, spinal stroke, spinal canal narrowing, spinal infection, or complication following surgery, the CARF Spinal Cord Injury Specialty Program at Touro provides patients with the information, resources, and support needed to adapt to life following their injury.

Spinal cord injury changes lives and presents physical and emotional challenges. Our inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation program seeks to help patients achieve their maximum potential. We help patients focus on recovering and returning to home as independently as possible.

Spinal Cord Injury Services Team Approach

Touro's inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation provides strategies for active, daily mobility. Depending on their health condition and needs, patients at our spinal cord injury rehabilitation center work on different goals and progress at a pace that’s right for them. Our patient-centered program develops individual treatment plans to address physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social interaction skills, while working toward achieving realistic educational, vocational, social and/or leisure goals. A dedicated treatment team is committed to providing individualized care to improve the quality of life for adolescents and adults following a brain injury by increasing function, encouraging independence, and facilitating a safe return to the community.

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians
  • Certified Rehabilitation Nurses
  • Rehabilitation Case Managers
  • Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists
  • Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
  • Dietitian
  • Respiratory Therapists
  • Rehabilitation counselor
  • Other specialists at Touro Hospital may be consulted, based on individual needs

Spinal Cord Injury Therapy

Touro's inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation provides strategies for active, daily mobility. Depending on their health condition and needs, patients at our spinal cord injury rehabilitation center work on different goals and progress at a pace that’s right for them. Our patient-centered program develops individual treatment plans to address physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social interaction skills, while working toward achieving realistic educational, vocational, social and/or leisure goals. Therapy may include:

Physical therapy – Physical therapy helps spinal cord injury patients rebuild and maintain muscle strength and coordination. Depending on the spinal cord injury, patients learn new ways to increase flexibility and range of motion in the legs, arms or upper body.

Occupational therapy – Occupational therapy focuses on the skills necessary to complete daily tasks and get the most out of life. Our therapists consider a patients routine, helping them engage in new ways.

Assistive technology and devices – Some patients use advanced adaptive technology, such as environmental controls, to make life after a spinal cord injury easier and more comfortable. Braces, wheelchairs, walkers and other equipment can be used to support your lifestyle adjustments at home or in the work space to make the most of assistive devices.

Additional support – Beyond sensation and movement, a spinal cord injury can involve other changes to body functions. From bladder and bowel training to family planning solutions and more, our specialists provide techniques, instruments and medications to help manage them.

Spinal Cord Injury Education & Support

Education Classes

Spinal Cord Injury Education Class is for patients and their families living with changes from spinal cord injury/disease. The class is held daily Monday-Friday in the M-9 Dining Room on the 9th floor of Touro. Additional information is available at 504.897.8476.

Family Education Day

Family Spinal Cord Injury Education Day is available for families and friends of spinal cord injury/disease survivors on the third Friday of each month. For more information call 504.897.8591.

Paralysis Action Coalition

The Spinal Cord Injury Specialty Program offers a support group called PACT (Paralysis Action Coalition at Touro). Participants range from those with newly acquired injuries to those who have been successful several years following their injury. Family and support persons are also encouraged to attend. The group meets monthly for meetings but also has planned social and community activities. PACT also has its own Facebook group to keep up with community events, share stories, and continue to provide support outside of monthly meetings. For more information email PACT@LCMCHealth.org or call 504.897.8684.

Support Group

Held the second Tuesday of each month and is for patients currently in the Spinal Cord Injury Program as well as community members affected by paralysis. The group aims to meet the needs of the individual while also addressing community needs, social interaction, and camaraderie.

Peer Mentoring

Peer mentoring is available face to face, by phone, or over e-mail by peer mentors trained through either the United Spinal Association or Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.

Recreation Baseball League

BISCIS is a baseball league for people with a spinal cord injury brain Injury or any other neurological diagnosis. During the season the league plays every Thursday night at the Fly in Audubon Park. For more information email Linda.Brown@LCMCHealth.org

Spinal Cord Injury Specialty Program Referrals

Inpatient Rehab Referral Information

Brain Injury patient referrals are accepted based on specific patient qualifications. Call 504.897.8560 or email SpinalCordInjuryProgram@Touro.com

504.897.8560 TouroRehabReferrals@LCMCHealth.org