Limb Loss Program

New Orleans Limb Loss Rehabilitation & Therapy

Losing a limb is a major life event. Whether loss was traumatic, due to cancer, or the result of complications of peripheral artery disease, infection, or diabetes, the Limb Loss Program at Touro provides patients with the information, resources, and support needed to adapt to life without a limb. The CARF Limb Loss Speciality Program at Touro Rehabilitation Center offers several opportunities for patients to learn and improve their condition and quality of life. Learn more about peripheral vascular disease.

Each person's recovery after limb loss is unique. Education regarding limb loss rehab should start as soon as possible. Resources are even available for patients to consider prior to an amputation. Prompt initiation of rehab after an amputation gives the person the best chance to recover skills and abilities, reduce the chance for developing bad habits, and preserve the sound limb.

Limb Loss Services Team Approach

A dedicated treatment team of physical, occupational and recreational therapists are committed to providing individualized care to improve the quality of life following a limb loss by increasing function, encouraging independence, and facilitating a safe return to the community.

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians
  • Certified Rehabilitation Nurses
  • Rehabilitation Case Managers
  • Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists
  • Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
  • Dietitian
  • Respiratory Therapists
  • Rehabilitation counselor
  • Other specialists at Touro Hospital may be consulted, based on individual needs

Limb Loss & Amputation Therapy

Touro’s inpatient rehabilitation therapists have been trained to identify and treat specialized needs of patients with limb loss. Touro’s Limb Loss Program offers physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and recreational therapy. Additionally, treatment plans are customized for each patient to meet their unique goals.

A team of therapists work with patients to help them regain independence in all areas of their lives including:

  • Mobility (ambulation, wheelchair use)
  • Transfer skills
  • Activities of daily life, such as dressing, toileting, showering, grooming, cooking, etc.
  • Community reintegration
  • Recreation

Limb Loss Education & Support

Support Group (ATLAS)

Held Thursday of Limb Loss Week. ATLAS is for patients currently in the Limb Loss Program as well as community members affected by amputation. The group aims to meet the needs of the individual while also addressing the community needs and social interaction and camaraderie.

Prosthetic Clinic

Touro Rehabilitation Center hosts a prosthetic clinic on the third Friday of each month, beginning at 1:00pm. This service is offered on an outpatient basis. Whether you are ready to get sized for your first prosthetic, need to find information about specialty shoes or orthotics, or if you have been using a prosthetic for years and have questions or concerns, you can find what you are looking for at our clinic. A PM&R physician, physical therapist, and orthotists/prosthetists from several local companies attend each month and provide consultation for patients.

Nutrition Class

Once each month at 12 noon, a nutrition class is led by a registered dietitian. This class reviews the relationship between diet, weight loss, and cardiovascular disease. Nutritional education specific to improving blood glucose, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are covered. Participants are encouraged to ask questions or voice concerns regarding nutritional topics. To participate in Nutrition class please contact Liz Cabrera at

Amputee Coalition Partnership

Touro Infirmary has partnered with the Amputee Coalition to provide additional resources to its patients. This includes peer visitation and mentorship by Amputee Coalition trained Certified Peer Visitors(CPVs), which is available face to face, by phone, or e-mail.

Limb Loss Specialty Program Referrals

Inpatient Rehab Referral Information

Amputation and limb loss patient referrals are accepted based on specific patient qualifications. Call 504.897.8560 or email
