Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement

Joint Replacement

Touro is proud to participate in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMs)’s Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model.

Hip and knee replacements are the most common inpatient surgery for Medicare beneficiaries and can require lengthy recovery and rehabilitation periods.

The Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) model aims to improve the care experience for the many and growing numbers of Medicare beneficiaries who receive joint replacements, making the patient’s successful surgery and recovery a top priority for the health care system.

Patients can benefit from their hospitals and other health care providers (e.g., physicians, home health agencies, and nursing facilities) working together more closely to coordinate their care. Coordination of care leads to better outcomes, a better experience, and fewer complications, such as preventable readmissions, infections, or prolonged rehabilitation and recovery.

Learn more about the CJR model.

Mako robotic-arm assisted surgery

Touro is proud to now offer Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Total Knee replacement application. The Mako Total Knee application is a knee replacement treatment option designed to relieve the pain caused by joint degeneration due to osteoarthritis.

Our CJR physician collaborators:

  • Lance Estrada, M.D.
  • Richard Meyer, M.D.
  • Kevin Watson, M.D.

CJR collaborator selection criteria:

  1. Serve as the attending or operating surgeon on at least one (1) qualifying CJR case at Hospital in the quarter;
  2. Attend (or view if available by webinar or other recording) any CJR educational and compliance meetings hosted by the Hospital;
  3. Have a signed Joinder to the CJR Collaborator Agreement.