Diagnostic Imaging

Cancer diagnostic & imaging center

Our diagnostic imaging services are tailored to your unique needs and designed by a team of highly-trained specialists. Our cancer diagnostic imaging services are the first step in a cancer patient’s journey. There are multiple imaging tests that can be used to accurately diagnose cancer, and complete evaluations also include a detailed medical history as well as a physical exam. Effective diagnostic imaging tests can confirm or eliminate the presence of disease, monitor its progress, and design an individualized treatment program. Tests may be repeated regularly during your cancer journey to determine the effectiveness of your treatment.

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Types of cancer diagnostic imaging we use

Cancer is complex. Just like no two types of cancer are alike, there are many types of diagnostic imaging tests we can use to check for cancer. You’ll likely undergo at least one of the following types of cancer diagnostic imaging procedures during your cancer journey:


This X-ray of the breast can detect and diagnose breast cancer. This routine procedure for women can identify any problems with your breasts. Mammograms pose little radiation risk while offering high-quality images. They can show calcifications and masses.

Breast MRI

This diagnostic test uses a large magnet, radio waves, and computer to create images of organs and structures. It is used alongside a mammogram to screen for, diagnose, or treat breast cancer. Breast MRIs can evaluate abnormalities, locate cancer, check for cancer in women with breast implants or scar tissue, determine the most effective treatment, detect the spread of breast cancer, and evaluate the location and size of breast cancer lesions.

Breast Biopsy

During this test, a portion of breast tissue is removed to check for abnormal or cancerous cells. It can be performed as a fine needle aspiration biopsy, a surgical biopsy, or a core needle biopsy. Breast biopsies can evaluate a palpable lump or mass as well as nipple abnormalities, investigate calcifications or cysts observed during a mammogram, and determine if a breast mass or lump is cancerous.

Pelvic Ultrasound

This test uses a transducer that reflects an image of your pelvis onto a computer screen. Pelvic ultrasound options include transabdominal and transvaginal. These ultrasounds can diagnose and treat uterus abnormalities, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroid tumors, masses, cysts, and other tumors, postmenopausal bleeding, pregnancy occurring inside the uterus, and infertility evaluation.

Bone Densitometry

This imaging test is used to measure the mineral content of your bones as well as their density. It can be used to diagnose osteoporosis, weakened bones, and decreased bone mass. A bone densitometry test will determine your bone mineral density and determine your T-score and Z-score, which your doctor will use to determine whether you have osteoporosis or low bone mass.

PET & CAT Scan

A CAT scan creates detailed images of the inside of the body similarly to getting an X-ray taken. You may need to ingest a dye as a contrast material, but you will not need to ingest any radioactive materials. A PET scan is used to examine tissues or track the progress of treatment. Patients who get a PET scan must ingest a small amount of radioactive material so that the doctor can properly locate and study the tissues being examined.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a magnetic field and radio wave energy to examine internal structures. During an MRI, you will be placed in a machine equipped with a strong magnet, dye may be used as a contrast material. Images are created and saved on a computer so that your doctor can refer back to them. An MRI is most helpful for locating and diagnosing conditions in the brain, organs, glands, blood vessels, and joints.

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