Supporting the Cancer Center

Ensuring Each Patient Receives the Care They Need, to Lead Their Best Life.

The Touro Infirmary Foundation funds the development and execution of several Supportive Cancer Care Programs within Touro's Cancer Center. Support groups, travel and lodging and co-pay assistance, are just a few ways the Foundation provides resources to the patients that need it most. Each patient's cancer journey is unique. At Touro we care for the whole person. Providing services beyond disease treatment, we are here to assist patients in every step of their cancer journey.

Assistance Programs:

  • American Cancer Society Grant for Transportation Assistance: Cancer patients undergoing treatment frequently require assistance getting to and from facilities, often creating a financial and logistical burden. That’s why the American Cancer Society has awarded a transportation grant to Touro. These funds will be used to address the transportation needs of cancer patients in New Orleans.
  • Patient Charity Care and Co-Pay Assistance: Patients having financial difficulties may be eligible for assistance through payment programs offered through the Foundation.
  • Cancer Patient Support Groups: The Foundation provides funding to Touro Cancer Support Groups throughout the year including a celebration for National Cancer Survivor's Day.
  • YouNight Sponsorship: You Night is an alternative to traditional support groups. We offer various programs that teach cancer survivors how to overcome the physical and psychological challenges of cancer treatment through teamwork, coaching, and strong interpersonal support from a network of other survivors.
  • Hotel Discount Program: The Foundation provides discounts for patients and families at local hotels, including accommodations for specialized recliners for breast cancer patients. Click the link to view discounts:
  • Cancer Patient and Cancer Patient Family Community Resource Guide in partnership with Loyola’s Counseling Department. Providing patients and their families with valuable community resources that are available to them.
  • Wig Voucher Program: Through funds raised through GiveNOLA Day. The Foundation provides wig vouchers for cancer patients who have experienced hair loss due to treatment.
  • Women's Health Celebration: Through support of the Heebee Family Fund, Touro hosts and annual Women's Health Celebration- Pampered & Pink at Audubon Zoo. The event featured valuable information on women's health including an expert panel of physicians.
  • Smoking Cessation Program: In 2019, the Touro Foundation received a grant to launch a Smoking Cessation program partnering with the American Lung Association. The program will offer multiple series of courses available throughout the year beginning in January 2020.

For more information on these programs or to learn how you can support these cancer programs, contact the Foundation at 504.897.8435.