Senior health minute | What to know about diabetes

Senior health minute | What to know about diabetes

Diabetes can cause heart disease, kidney failure, nervous system damages, and a host of other health problems. Those with diabetes can control it through proper nutrition and exercise, along with medication if necessary.

Diagnosing diabetes guidelines:

  • People older than 45 should be tested for prediabetes or diabetes. If the first blood sugar (glucose) test is normal, they should get tested again every three years.
  • Have a mother, father, brother, or sister with diabetes.
  • Are part of a high-risk ethnic group. This means African American, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native Alaskan, or Native American.
  • Had heart and blood vessel disease in the past.
  • Have blood pressure at 140/90 mm/Hg or higher. Or are taking medicine for high blood pressure.
  • Are not active.
  • Had impaired glucose tolerance during a past test for diabetes.
  • Are a woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
  • Have been diagnosed with prediabetes
  • Have symptoms of diabetes. These include increased urination, increased thirst, increased hunger, and unexplained weight loss.

Talk to your healthcare provider if you are concerned about your risk of diabetes.

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