Men's Health Month

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Celebrated each year during June, Men’s Health Month brings awareness to the health issues all men face. It gives the healthcare community the enhanced opportunity to enrich men’s health and wellness through a broad spectrum of national screening and educational campaigns.

If this means even one gentleman thinks more about his own health and takes measures to get a check-up or health screening, possibly unveiling an issue that when treated could be life-saving, the extra attention is worth it.

Men, on average, die almost five years earlier than women? Part of the reason is that men are more reluctant to go to the doctor. In fact, studies show that women go to the doctor twice as much as men.

Additionally, certain conditions are more prevalent in men, which patients and their doctors should keep an eye on through regular appointments. Thus, the purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among both men and boys.

What are the most common issues that men face and should be reminded of?

Prostate issues, of course.
Blood pressure issues
Colorectal Cancer
Heart Disease

There is also alcohol intake to be mindful of. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, men face higher rates of alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations than women do. Men binge drink twice as much as women. They are also prone to increased aggression and sexual assault against women.

Alcohol consumption increases your risk for cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon. Alcohol also interferes with testicular function and hormone production. This can result in impotence and infertility. According to the CDCTrusted Source, men are more likely than women to commit suicide. They also are more likely to have been drinking prior to doing so.

Unintentional injuries and accidents

The CDCTrusted Source lists unintentional injury as a leading cause of death for men in 2006. This includes drowning, traumatic brain injuries, and fireworks-related mishaps.
Motor vehicle death rates for male drivers and passengers ages 15 to 19 were almost twice that of females in 2006. Male workers incurred 92 percent of the 5,524 total reported fatal occupational injuries. Remember, safety first.

Become proactive

Addressing your health can be scary, but avoiding it altogether can be deadly. The many organizations cited in this slideshow offer information, resources, and support if you are experiencing any symptoms, feel you may have a condition, or just want to get a checkup.