Should a nurse navigator be part of your cancer team?

Your cancer care team will be important during the diagnosis and treatment of your breast cancer. In fact, it can seem like your team is extensive and overwhelming. You might have radiologists, surgeons, reconstruction specialists, nurses, anesthesiologists, oncologists, and pain management specialists. But one of the critical team members of your cancer team is a nurse navigator.

What is a nurse navigator?

A nurse navigator is medical staff member that is a patient advocate and who’s primary responsibility is to assist their patients with the diagnosis, treatment, and education about the cancer. From the moment that you receive your diagnosis, your nurse navigator can help to educate you about the disease and treatment option. By serving as educators, they ensure that patients understand what the treatment is and can offer emotional support and options for support groups. Your nurse navigator can take on a more administrative role as well, by addressing issues that may occur like transportation, scheduling appointments, or understanding insurance costs.

Why is a nurse navigator important for my care?

It is hard to go through breast cancer. Nurse navigators are a continuous resource for you to use and to make the system a little less complex. Unlike a physician who may be involved with just one aspect of your care, a nurse navigator will continue to provide help and support during your care.

Where can I find a nurse navigation team?

Touro Infirmary is proud to have a nurse navigator on our Supportive Cancer Center team. We believe that it is a positive and important addition to our comprehensive cancer care. Danielle McCullogh, RN, BSN, is an experienced and compassionate addition to the team and works towards ensuring that all of her patients have a support team and meaningful experience. To learn more about our center or to work with our Nurse Navigator, please call 504-897-8678 or click here.