FibroScan exam offers painless, non-invasive liver assessment

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FibroScan, a diagnostic test for assessment and management of certain liver diseases

Touro Infirmary is proud to offer FibroScan, for assessment and management of certain liver diseases. FibroScan is the only test of its kind, performed very similar to a routine abdominal ultrasound, and is used for the evaluation of liver disease including steatosis, fibrosis and cirrhosis, stemming from a variety of causes.


FibroScan works by emitting a pulse of energy, at which time the patient will feel a slight vibration on his/her skin. FibroScan then measures the speed of that energy to rapidly determine liver stiffness, a correlation to fibrosis, and ultrasound attenuation, a correlation to steatosis. Radiologists interpret the results to diagnose and quantify the severity of disease.

“Many forms of liver disease, if diagnosed early, can be effectively treated or managed,” says Touro Radiologist Steven Yellen, MD. “FibroScan is a breakthrough in the assessment of hepatic steatosis, fibrosis and cirrhosis, offering insights not captured by traditional ultrasound methods.”

FirboScan is a non-invasive, painless test that examines a sample size 100 times larger than a core needle biopsy. The test requires only a 4-hour fast prior to examination and is covered by insurance plans. In cases of active liver disease, a FibroScan test can be safely repeated to monitor change/progression over time. FibroScan cannot be performed on pregnant women, or patients with pace makers and is not intended for the evaluation of liver masses.


“We are pleased to offer this important advance in liver management to our patients,” says Susan Andrews, Touro President and Chief Executive Officer. “Its consistent results enable us to make the most informed treatment decisions while providing a quick, painless experience for patients.”

Initially, most liver diseases present with very few symptoms, which is why a large amount of liver disease remains undiagnosed. Liver disease can be fatal if left untreated. Currently there are 3.9 million adults with diagnosed liver disease in the US. Liver disease accounts for over 40,000 deaths annually in the US.