Your Health at Any Age

  • Category: Living Well
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Aarti Pais, M.D

Steps for Aging Gracefully

There always seems to be a new health study or report on how to live healthy and this can prove to be confusing at times. Women not only make decisions for themselves but for their families as well. Keeping track of everything can sometimes become overwhelming and while caring for our loved ones, we tend to neglect taking care of ourselves.

At Touro, we understand the importance of women’s wellness at every age. By properly taking care of yourself, you are able to live a longer and satisfying life, which in return allows you to spend more quality time with your loved ones. This can be done by taking charge of your health through regular women’s checkups, screening tests, and immunizations.

It is never too early or late to work toward being the healthiest that you can be! Whether you are in your 20’s or 90’s, there are steps you can take to live a healthy life.

Health in Your 20s and 30s

You’re young, healthy and enjoying life. You’re making tough decisions in regards to your career and family. These big milestones may cause you to lose focus on your health. It is very important to continue scheduling your regular wellness visits. During these visits, you should feel free to discuss any of your concerns, such as sexual health and any domestic or interpersonal violence with your health care provider. You should also ensure that you get your blood pressure checked and that you are up-to-date with your immunizations.

More Tips for Better Health

  • Eat healthy and maintain a weight that is appropriate for your height
  • Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol use
  • Get a seasonal flu shot
  • Get a PAP and HPV test
  • Get your HPV vaccine series if you haven’t done so already
  • Talk to your doctor about getting screened for sexually transmitted infections

Health in Your 40s and 50s

In your 40s, you are transitioning into mid-life and starting to approach menopause. There may be hormonal changes in your body, which may cause your cholesterol levels and blood pressure to rise. This is the time to take a proactive approach to your diet and exercise. Most importantly, you should continue to schedule regular wellness visits. At your wellness visit, discuss with your health care provider, any concerns you may have about general health, sexual health, mental health as well as family history of cancers.

More Tips for Better Health

  • Talk to your doctor about screening for breast and colon cancer
  • If you are a current or past smoker, ask about lung cancer screening (55 and older)
  • If 55 and older, ask your physician about taking an aspirin daily
  • Eat healthy and maintain a weight that is appropriate for your height
  • Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol use
  • Get your blood pressure checked
  • Get annual blood work to screen for medical problems like diabetes and high cholesterol
  • Get a seasonal flu shot
  • Get a PAP and HPV test
  • Get an HIV test at least once

Health in Your 60s and 70s

At this age, you have an increased risk of developing osteoporosis and certain cancers. There are steps you can take to help you to age well. It is important to continue your annual wellness visits. At these visits you should discuss with your physician a physical activity program appropriate for your fitness level and conditions. You are also at an increased risk of falling and you should discuss ways to prevent these.

More Tips for Better Health

  • Eat healthy and maintain a weight that is appropriate for your height
  • Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week
  • Quit smoking & limit alcohol use
  • Get a seasonal flu shot, shingles shot, and pneumonia shot
  • Get your blood pressure checked
  • Get annual blood work to screen for medical problems like diabetes and high cholesterol
  • Take an aspirin daily
  • Stay up to date with screening for breast and colon cancer as well as osteoporosis

Health in Your 80s and Beyond

Age is nothing but a number as long as you stay on top of your health. These are the golden years of your life, and you should be enjoying it. It is still not too late to make any improvements to your diet and health. Living healthily can help keep your bones strong and your mind sharp. You should continue to live an active lifestyle. Also, do not skip any screenings because they can save your life. At your annual wellness visit, you should talk to your physician about any hearing, vision, and mental health concerns.

More Tips for Better Health

  • Get blood pressure checked
  • Get a seasonal flu shot
  • If you haven’t had one before, get a shingles shot and pneumonia shot
  • Quit smoking & limit alcohol use
  • Talk to your physician about preventing falls
  • Discuss a physical activity program
  • Discuss mental health issues

Touro supports better health by recognizing National Women’s Health Week. We want to empower women in making their health a priority. By taking these steps, women can live a long and healthy life.

Aarti Pais, M.D has practiced Family Medicine with Crescent City Physicians since 2015. Dr. Pais earned her medical degree from India in 2010. She served her Family Medicine internship at Tulane University – East Jefferson General Hospital from 2012-2013 and her residency from 2013-2015. Dr. Pais is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.