Take Steps for Better Health during Women’s Health Week

Women’s Health: It Matters

As women, we tend to play an active role in the health of our families and loved ones, but as busy “caregivers” of others, we tend to sacrifice time spent caring for ourselves. Touro supports better health by recognizing National Women’s Health Week, May 10-16, 2015.

At Touro, we know that your days are filled with activities to care for your loved ones. Now it’s time for you to take a moment to focus on yourself and take steps to improve your health for life. A healthy you is the best version of yourself, and will help you fulfill your many roles and responsibilities in life from home to work to play! This can be as simple as making time for that overdue women’s check-up.

5 Steps for Better Women’s Health and Wellness Today

1. Improving your own women’s health and wellness comes from understanding your unique health needs and risks that are different from men.

    a. Heart disease kills 50,000 more women than men annually, and women are more likely to have a second heart attack. Heart disease affects women approximately 10 years later than men. Know your risks for heart disease.

    b. Osteoporosis causes a higher rate of bone loss. 80% of the people who are diagnosed with osteoporosis are women. If you are age 65 or older, ask your provider about having a bone density scan (DEXA scan) at the Touro Imaging Center.

    c. Smoking has a more devastating effect on women’s heart health than men’s. Women are less likely to kick the habit and suffer from more withdrawal symptoms. Quit today for yourself and your loved ones. Click here for tips to get started.

    d. STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are contracted by women twice as often as men. Practice safe and responsible sex. Talk to your provider to determine if you are at risk.

    e. Alcohol is not broken down in the stomach the same way that it is in men because women produce less of the gastric enzyme needed to break down the alcohol. As a result, women have a higher blood alcohol level than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol. Limit your alcohol intake to one serving per day.

2. Get regular women’s checkups and preventive screenings. Click here if you need a referral to a primary care physician or OB/GYN.

3. Start moving, get active, and stay active. You should engage in 150 minutes of exercise each week to maximize women’s wellness.

4. Don’t ignore your mental health. Manage your stress and get enough sleep each night.

5. Kick unhealthy habits, such as smoking, texting while driving, and not wearing your seatbelt.


Society for Women’s Health Research

Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

Kim Faught, RN, is Women’s Services Director at Touro Infirmary. Kim graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1980 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Kim has 35 years of experience in all aspects of women’s healthcare, including hospital and clinic operations. Kim’s goal is to provide coordinated, comprehensive, and compassionate services to women.

Click here to read a Women’s Health Week Infographic and learn more about scheduling your well-woman visits.