National Cancer Survivors Day: Celebrating Survivorship

National Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors Day® is a celebration for those who have survived, an inspiration for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of support for families, and an outreach to the community.

On National Cancer Survivors Day, cancer survivors and supporters in communities around the world will gather to celebrate life and raise awareness of the issues of cancer survivorship.

Touro is celebrating National Cancer Survivors Day with a special video collection featuring some of our very own inspirational survivors.

View our videos on Touro’s YouTube channel.

Cancer Survivors Video 1

Cancer Survivors Video 2

What is a cancer survivor?

The meaning and understanding of survivorship can vary from person to person. According to the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation, a cancer survivor is anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life.

There are nearly 14.5 million children and adults with a history of cancer living in the United States today. National Cancer Survivors Day is an opportunity to celebrate the fact that people are living longer and better quality lives after cancer than ever before.

Cancer Survivorship Program at Touro

Near the end of cancer treatment, it is normal to feel many emotions ranging from hope to happiness to uncertainty and fear. With the Cancer Survivorship Program at Touro, each patient’s health and wellbeing are the main focus when moving forward into the survivor stage of their cancer journey.

In this phase of care, the focus shifts from treating cancer to helping patients recover from treatment and become a healthy, informed survivor. Just as every person’s cancer experience is unique, adjusting to life after treatment is an individual challenge that involves mind, body and spirit.

Our program helps patients adjust to living beyond cancer by providing information, support and encouragement. Patients get the chance to meet one-on-one with Touro’s Survivorship Coordinator to:

  • Develop a treatment summary and personal care plan
  • Assess your specific needs
  • Make referrals for follow-up care

To learn more about the Cancer Survivorship Program at Touro or to schedule an appointment, please contact Paula Harrelson, RN at 504-897-8970.

Paula Harrelson, RN has over 30 years of nursing experience. After experiencing a diagnosis of breast cancer herself in 2003, Paula was inspired to dedicate the remainder of her nursing career to working with others diagnosed with cancer. As Touro’s Survivorship Coordinator, Paula is passionate about helping people address their needs and regain and sense of wellness to move forward with living. 

>> Click here to learn more about the Cancer Survivorship Program at Touro.