Benefits of Volunteering

  • Category: Living Well
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Vernilyn Juan, M.D.

It is always wonderful to give back and put others before yourself.  Here are four reasons why volunteering is a great idea and how you can truly make a positive impact and difference on others and yourself.

1. Connects You to Others

If you feel stuck in your ordinary routine and are looking to branch out to make new friends and contacts, volunteering can increase your social and relationship skills. It allows you to connect to your community and help make it a better place while broadening your support network and exposing you to people with common interests and neighborhood resources.

2. Good for Your Mind and Body

Volunteering can give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment.  If you are feeling blue, it can help increase self-confidence and life satisfaction. In fact, a “feel-good” sensation is released and can reduce stress levels producing calmness. In fact, Allen Luk, past executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, explains that the immediate positive emotion most volunteers experience is known as “helper’s high”, which allows you to feel self-worthy and proud.

3. Advance Your Career

If you are looking to beef up your resume, volunteering is perfect. Not only will you learn valuable job skills, volunteering allows you to try a new career and gain experience in a new field without making a long-term commitment.

4. Brings Fun and Fulfillment to Your Life

Volunteering can be fun too! Volunteering is an easy way to explore your interests and passions. It can bring you renewed creativity, motivation and vision that can carry over into your personal and professional life.

Where do I find volunteer opportunities?

  • Community Centers
  • Libraries & Museums
  • Clubs & Youth Organizations
  • Historical Restorations & Parks
  • Places of Worship/Religious Groups
  • Tutoring/Mentoring
  • Nonprofits & Charity Fundraisers
  • Hospitals & Long Term Care Facilities

Looking for a volunteer opportunity at Touro Infirmary?

Visit or call Touro Volunteer Services at 504-897-8107 to learn more today!

Vernilyn Juan, M.D. is a Family Medicine physician with Crescent City Physicians, Inc., a subsidiary of Touro. Dr. Juan is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.