Touro Infirmary Recognized For Reduction Of Early Elective Deliveries

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Touro Infirmary was recognized along with 18 other hospitals in the state by the Louisiana Hospital Association and March of Dimes for reducing the number of early elective inductions and cesarean deliveries performed before 39 weeks of pregnancy. This reduction meets the March of Dimes criteria for hospital recognition and gives more babies a healthy start in life.

“Touro shares the March of Dimes’ commitment to helping moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. Touro has not had any early elective deliveries since July 2012,” said Touro President and CEO Jim Montgomery. According to the March of Dimes, babies who survive an early birth often face the risk of lifelong health challenges such as breathing problems, cerebral palsy and others.

Through the ongoing work that has occurred as a result of the partnership between the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Birth Outcomes Initiative, the Louisiana Hospital Association Research and Education Foundation Hospital Engagement Network (LHAREF HEN), and the March of Dimes, over 960 early elective deliveries have been prevented, which translates to an 83 percent reduction since the beginning of the initiative in 2012, according to data released from the LHAREF HEN.

“The last weeks of pregnancy are very important. Babies aren’t fully developed until at least 39 weeks in the womb. Important development of the brain, lungs and other vital organs occurs in the last few weeks of pregnancy,” said Frankie Robertson, March of Dimes State Director. “I commend Touro for their quality improvement efforts.”