Frequently Asked Questions

If your question was not featured below, please contact your local location for more information.

How may family members contact me while I am a patient at New Orleans East Hospital?

Family members and friends may call the hospital at 504.592.6600 and request to be transferred to you. They may also request your phone number and dial directly to your room.

When I check‐in and register, what kind of personal belongings should I bring?

You may bring a small bag of personal belongings such as toothbrush, robe, slippers, and hairbrush. Storage and care of items such as dentures, eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, or other prosthetics are the patient’s responsibility. If possible, label all your belongings. Labeling greatly increases the chance of finding your items should they become misplaced. We do not assume responsibility for lost articles but will make every effort to help you find them. If you lose an item, notify your nurse immediately. We encourage patients to send valuables home with family members. Please keep these items in their containers as appropriate. For patients who suffer with sleep disorders and use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure system (CPAP machine), please be sure to bring the device with you.

What are visiting hours?

The Medical-Surgical Unit (Acute Care) has open visitation.

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) has open visitation, except between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and 8 pm for shift changes.
For more information, please check our visiting hours site.

Where is the nearest ATM?

There is an ATM located on the 1st floor of the main building across from restrooms outside of Café East.

Why do I need to register every time I visit the hospital?

We offer a variety of services and the insurance companies require a separate ID for each visit.

Why have I received bills from places other than the hospital?

Please contact the Patient Financial Services Department at 504.592.6574 with any questions related to your bill.

How do I obtain copies of my medical records, records for a minor, a deceased family member, or my spouse?

You can visit the Health Information Department located on the 1st floor of the main hospital building. For your personal medical records, you can visit our office to obtain a copy. Should you need to pick a copy up for a minor or your spouse, you will need to have them complete a release of information authorization form entitling you to receive the information. Please note that processing fees for personal copies of some records may apply.

Please contact the Health Information Management Department at 504.592.6590.

How do I schedule a mammogram?

Please call the Imaging Department at 504.592.6577 to schedule an appointment for a mammogram. You will need to provide information such as your name, date of birth, phone number, address, and the name of your physician.

How can I inquire about Living Wills or Advance Directives?

Federal legislation requires us to provide information prior to hospitalization about the Patient Self‐Determination Act. Our hospital has forms and information regarding Advance Directives in our patient handbook.

This material must describe:

  • Your rights under state law to make decisions about medical care, including the right to accept or refuse medical and surgical treatment.
  • Your rights to formulate advance medical directives such as a living will or/and durable power of attorney for health care, to guide the provision of care should you become unable to make your own decisions.

You may contact Social Services at 504.592.6580.

Where should I park when I come to the hospital?

Patient and visitor parking are available on the first level of the campus to the right of the emergency ramp entrance.

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