Pastoral Care

Information About Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is located on the first floor in the office next to the Prayer Room. The Prayer Room is available 24/7 for personal meditation. The clergy/chaplain is available to any person of any faith. Patients are able to use their own personal clergy, but a chaplain/clergy can be contacted by request.

For more information, please call 504.592.6797. To request a chaplain, ask for the charge nurse or dial extension 6797 from anywhere in the hospital.

What is pastoral care?

In keeping with our commitment to care for patients with courtesy, concern, kindness, and compassion, our chaplains work to meet the non-medical needs of patients through spiritual and emotional support. The Chaplain is a professional caregiver who understands spiritual, emotional, and social healing is necessary, in addition to physical healing. The Pastoral Care Staff is also available to hospital personnel for either work-related or personal concerns.

The Chaplain’s listening skills are framed in a theological background, stressing the ministry of presence and acceptance. The Chaplain’s role, therefore, is not necessarily a problem-solving one, but rather one of helping patients to integrate what is happening to them in their illness with their understanding of their relationship to a higher power.

When to notify a chaplain

Any time you are in crisis or feel the need for pastoral care, don’t hesitate to reach out. There are plenty of instances when a Chaplain can provide invaluable spiritual guidance to offer prayer for a specific need or occasion. Your Chaplain may provide in-service education or facilitate support groups, focusing on spiritual and/or bereavement resources for healing, recovery, and renewal. If you are facing significant loss or change such as the imminent death of a loved one, you may find solace in pastoral care.

You may also want pastoral care in times of ethical dilemmas and decision-making, such as asking for guidance for a “Do Not Resuscitate” order (DNR) or determining whether your loved one should make an organ donation.