Volunteer Opportunities

Can I Volunteer at New Orleans East Hospital?

Our volunteers are caring, dedicated, and committed to helping others by giving their time and sharing their talents. Our staff depends on and appreciates the many contributions our volunteers make in creating quality experiences for our patients and visitors.

If you would like to connect to your community, create new relationships, and add meaning to your life, consider becoming a hospital volunteer.

Volunteer tasks

Volunteers have the opportunity to serve in multiple capacities with us.

Guest relations

Family liaisons: Volunteers serve as family liaisons in Emergency, Intensive Care, and other family waiting areas in the hospital by offering a comforting environment for families waiting for news about their loved one. They provide reading materials and information about the hospital and surrounding area while keeping visitors informed of a patient’s progress.

Information desk: For those who enjoy high public interaction, the hospital’s information desks are an ideal location. These volunteers direct visitors throughout the facility, answer phones, give visitors patients’ room numbers and help locate doctors’ offices. The volunteers also receive flowers, gifts, and mail for patients.

Ambassadors/greeters: Our ambassadors may be the first person a patient or family meets as they enter the hospital. These volunteers welcome, greet, direct, and accompany patients and guests throughout the hospital.

Patient support

Book cart: Volunteers visit patients on hospital floors and clinical waiting areas providing reading materials from the Volunteer Services Library.

Chaplaincy: The Chaplains serve multiple needs. Eucharistic ministry volunteers/Chaplaincy brings communion to those who wish to receive the sacrament. Other Chaplains provide support, comfort, and counseling to patients, their families, and guests.

Staff support

Administrative: Volunteers assist the hospital’s administrative staff with answering phones, copying, filing, data entry, and assembling materials. Opportunities are open to volunteers who would like to gain office experience. This experience is in a hospital environment which is limited to specific department volunteers who may also assist administration with various other projects.

Courier: Deliver supplies and equipment vital to patient care, restock incoming product, perform inventory counts, and assemble materials as needed in the Supply Department. Volunteers may collect and distribute wheelchairs and dozens of other in-hospital errands. Volunteers are caring, dedicated, and committed to helping others. They give of their time and share their talents.

Ready to learn more?

Application links:

For more information, please contact the Volunteer Services Coordinator Monday through Friday from 8:30am-4pm at 504.592.6633 or 504.592.6632. To apply, please review the Volunteer Requirements and the Volunteer Handbook.