Mia O'Keefe

  • Author: Mia O'Keefe
  • Date Submitted: Mar 7, 2019

“ "We arrived as a couple embarking on a new adventure, and we left as a family of five ready to take those first steps!"”

We arrived at Lakeview Regional to deliver our three bundles of joy! Our entire experience from the time we walked in the door to the time we brought our last baby home was an absolute pleasure. The nurses, doctors, and staff were professional and personal.

We delivered at 34.5 weeks and expected a NICU stay. Although it was a short stay, the nurses, nurse practitioners, and doctors became our family. Tim and I slept better at night knowing our babies were being taken care of by the best of the best. NICU is never easy, but the entire staff at Lakeview made it a better experience for us. They patiently taught us how to handle and care for our babies even though they were hooked up to a few wires. We felt blessed and more prepared to care for them when they were finally able to go home because of the lessons the nurses provided us. Tim called all the nurses in the labor and delivery floor “our purple angels” because they wear purple and truly looked after us. It was also the little touches the hospital incorporated that made the experience memorable, the steak dinner, birthday cupcakes, blanket given as a gift to the babies, the personal refrigerator, a well stocked room with extra feminine items, and even the chandeliers are only a few of the noteworthy details that make being at Lakeview comfortable.

We arrived as a couple embarking on a new adventure, and we left as a family of five ready to take those first steps! Thank you for such a great experience.
Tim, Melanie, Tidus, Mia, Tobias O’Keefe

Photo courtesy of Erika Pearce Photography