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Robotic Surgery

Lakeview Hospital is now home to the da Vinci®. This advanced technology, using four robotic arms, provides surgeons with greater precision, control and access to hard-to-reach areas, allowing complex operations to be performed through just a few small incisions.

Body image for Multi Incision Laparoscopy and Single Site da Vinci SurgeryServices provided

Lakeview Hospital offers robotic surgical procedures for a wide variety of urological, gynecological, general surgical and oncology conditions, as well as for bariatric (weight loss) surgery.

Lakeview Hospital also offers the Single-Site System™ which enables a physician to reduce the traditional number of incisions from 4 down to one tiny incision through the belly button that is less than 1 inch in length.

An alternative to open surgery

With significantly less pain and fewer side effects, the da Vinci® can provide smaller incisions, reduced risk of infection, shorter hospital stays and a quicker return to normal activities. And in many cases, better outcomes.

Smaller incision. Greater precision.

da Vinci’s advanced level technology takes surgery beyond the limits of the human hand. It allows Lakeview Hospital patients to have the best possible outcomes and provides access to the latest medical advancements.

Doctors doing da Vinci surgeryPatient benefits

  • Significantly less pain; fewer side effects
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Smaller incisions; less scarring and less blood loss
  • Quicker return to normal activities
  • In many cases, better outcomes

Physician benefits

  • Enhanced 3D, high-definition vision of operative field with up to 10x magnification
  • Superior visual clarity of tissue and anatomy
  • Surgical dexterity and precision far greater than even the human hand
  • Updated and simplified user interface to enhance OR efficiency
  • New ergonomic settings for greater surgeon comfort
