When to visit the ER

ER at Lakeview Hospital

When you or a loved one suffers from a trauma, injury, or illness, you may not know what to do or where to go. Is it better to get treatment at the ER or an urgent care center?

We recommend going straight to the Lakeview ER or calling 911 for any medical emergency—a serious, life-threatening issue or complication that increases your risk of death or disability. And if you’re ever not sure? Go to the ER.

Emergency entrance

ER services at Lakeview Hospital

Our Lakeview ER is designed to manage serious sickness or injury as quickly as possible. You should go to the ER if you experience any of the following:

  • Animal bites
  • Broken bones
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Electric shock
  • Head injury
  • Heavy bleeding
  • High fever
  • Serious cuts or burns
  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Severe pain in any area of the body
  • Sudden or unusual headache or dizziness
  • Swallowing of a foreign object
  • Symptoms of a heart attack or stroke

Dial 911 to call for an ambulance if any symptom seems life-threatening.

Learn about your ER visit.