Stroke patient reunited with paramedic, EMT, and Lakeview Hospital Staff

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Stroke patient reunited with paramedic, EMT, and Lakeview Hospital Staff

“Knowing the signs probably saved my life. When my symptoms started, I had my husband get in front of me to see if I was having a stroke. After assessing the situation with the 911 operator, paramedics were sent, and within 19 minutes, I was at the hospital. In less than 3 hours, I was receiving the newest lifesaving drug, TNK. Lakeview Hospital in Covington was amazing. I’m sharing my story because it's important to know the signs. Know the signs, people!” -- Vanessa Schneider, a stroke patient. 

Click here to learn more about Vanessa's story

Lakeview Hospital honored a “Great Save” with its quarterly celebration in conjunction with the American Heart Association’s Stroke Awareness Month. Vanessa Schneider was reunited with her medical team from Lakeview Hospital and Benjamin Todd and Gerald Cambre, her EMS crew from Mandeville Fire Department. The Great Save event provided a rare opportunity to say “thank you.”

Todd and Cambre spoke about the importance of knowing the signs and symptoms of a stroke. They explained the quick test – F.A.S.T. – that can be done to determine if a stroke has occurred.

F – Facial droopage
A – Arms, can the patient hold their arms out straight, or is there weakness
S – Slurred speech
T – Time, if any of these signs are seen, call 911 immediately.

In April 2022, Lakeview Hospital became one of the first hospitals on the Northshore to utilize Tenecteplase (TNK) to treat acute ischemic strokes. According to a study reported in the International Journal of Emergency Medicine, TNK has been shown to provide better functional outcomes in stroke patients.

Learn more about Stroke Care at Lakeview Hospital and our 24/7 neurosurgery services.