Pay Your Bill | Payment Estimates

View or Pay Your Bill

The Patient Financial Resource is also available. Here you can review our pricing commitment, receive pricing estimates and information, and pay your bill online.

Note to Medicaid members

Don't risk losing your health coverage. Keep your contact information up to date, including your address, phone number, cell number, and email. Choose the way that’s easiest for you:

Medicaid will start mailing renewal letters in May 2023. If you do get a letter in the mail, follow the instructions and respond to Medicaid. Visit Update My Information | La Dept. of Health for more information.

Charity discount policy

Financial Assistance with respect to emergency and medically necessary care may be available to patients who do not qualify for state or federal assistance.

LCMC Health’s Charity Policy provides a 100% discount if the patient or guarantor has an income less than 200% of Federal Poverty Limit (FPL) guidelines. These guidelines are based on both income and family size and are subject to income verification/documentation. Our expanded charity policy will provide additional relief to uninsured and underinsured patients that receive emergent, non-elective services, with balances greater than $1500, and whose income is between 200% and 400% of FPL guidelines. Patients with incomes between 201-300% of the FPL will have their balance capped at 3% of their income, or the remaining balance after the uninsured discount is applied, whichever is less. Patients with incomes between 301%-400% of the FPL, balances will be capped at 4% of their income, or the remaining balance after the uninsured discount is applied, whichever is less. In certain cases, other discounts ranging from 40-90% may apply if the patient’s total household income exceeds these thresholds. The expanded policy will continue to meet or exceed any specific state or local charity or indigent discount requirements.

Tulane Health System requires the completion of the Tulane Health System Financial Assistance Application. Further eligibility and assistance information, a copy of our financial assistance policy, the financial assistance application form and a plain language summary of the financial assistance policy (in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese) are available by written request to the following address: Patient Account Services, 95 Judge Tanner Blvd. Covington LA 70433; or by calling the facility telephone number listed in Financial Assistance Policy. Patients can also download a copy of our financial assistance policy and the financial assistance application form below. If you are eligible for financial assistance, the amount charged for emergency or other medically necessary care will not exceed amounts generally billed to patients with insurance.

Please take notice that if you do not submit a financial assistance application within 120 days from the date of the initial billing statement then the hospital facility (or other authorized party) may take certain actions against you in order to obtain payment of the bill including, but not limited to, reporting adverse information about the debt you owe to the hospital facility to credit reporting agencies or credit bureaus, and/or filing a civil lawsuit in order to obtain a judgement against you for the amount that you owe to the hospital facility.

For more information please read about our pricing transparency.

LCMC Health financial assistance policy

English Español Tiếng Việt

Tulane Health System plain language summary

English Español Tiếng Việt

Tulane Health System charity discount application

English Español Tiếng Việt

Louisiana protections against surprise medical bills

English Español Tiếng Việt