Frequently asked questions

Whether you are a first-time mom or you are preparing to welcome a new member to the family, your pregnancy and birth of your baby will be a unique experience. Here are several questions you need to ask us during your tour or whenever is convenient.

Do you have private rooms?

Yes. Our rooms are designed to provide you with a comfortable environment to meet your baby, and our labor and delivery and postpartum nurses are trained to care for you before, during and after giving birth. Our nursery and neonatal intensive care nurses are highly skilled and experienced in the latest techniques to care for your baby. In addition, our comprehensive fetal monitoring system allows nurses and other healthcare professionals to care for you with minimal interruptions to your rest.

How many people are allowed in the birthing room?

The birth of your baby is an exciting time, so in order to help you and your family share this moment, you can choose to allow up to two support people into the labor and birth room with you. Also, we made accommodations for one adult to stay in the room with you overnight.

Will my baby be separated from me right after birth?

Little is more precious than the first moments you spend with your baby. To foster that special bond, Lakeside Hospital proudly offers Skin-to-Skin Bonding for at least one hour immediately after birth.

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Will my baby be taken to another room?

Should you or your baby require extra attention from our skilled, experienced professionals, there may be a need for Mom and Baby to be in separate rooms. However, we strongly encourage you and your baby spend as much time together as possible to foster their special bond.

Do you offer breastfeeding support?

Let's face it, Mom, there's a lot to know about breastfeeding. Have questions? We have answers. Our board-certified team of lactation consultants is ready to assist seven days a week, even on holidays. Expecting and want to get a head start on breastfeeding your baby? Visit our online calendar and sign up for a free breastfeeding class.

What does it mean to be a “baby-friendly” hospital?

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative encourages and recognizes hospitals that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding. Lakeside Hospital is one of just five hospitals in Louisiana to have earned the designation. Simply put, it means more time with your baby, and more support and education around breastfeeding.

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Do you allow videos and/or photography?

This is an exciting time of memories that will last a lifetime. Photography is welcomed, and you and your loved ones may choose to bring in a photographer to capture these special moments. Video, however, is not permitted during procedures.

Where do we park when we get to the hospital?

Lakeside Hospital offers close, convenient parking – in lots and a covered garage – for patients and visitors at no charge.

Can i pre-register?

Committed to providing the most convenient methods to fulfill your health care needs, Lakeside Hospital offers online pre-registration. Simply complete the 10-20 minute pre-registration form at least three business days prior to your scheduled delivery to significantly reduce the amount of time you will need to spend registering on your special day.

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Can my other children visit?

Family and friends provide an integral part in the health and well-being of patients. That's why Lakeside Hospital encourages the presence and participation of visitors in our patients' care. As they are valued partners in our care team, we offer open visiting hours – adult visitors are welcome 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with few exceptions. As a new mom’s rest is important, though, children visitors are not permitted after 9 p.m.

Are breast pumps available?

Hospital-grade breast pumps are available, if requested or needed. Additionally, breast pumps to take home after your stay are available to rent.

What will happen if i need a c-section?

Lakeside Hospital is ready to meet your unique healthcare needs to help ensure you enjoy a healthy pregnancy and delivery. We understand your feelings and dreams. That's why our well-trained, experienced team works so hard to ensure you never feel alone as you make this journey. Our physicians, nurses and sonographers will take the time to understand your concerns and explain results, risks and other important information in terms you can understand.

What alternative birthing options do you offer?

We are happy to work with you to design your unique birth plan and experience, including the accommodation of alternative birthing methods such as natural child birth. Please discuss your plans with your physician.

What does “quiet time” mean?

To ensure our moms are getting enough rest, we block 1:30-3:30 p.m. every day as “quiet time,” when interruptions and tests are limited and you can focus on relaxing.