Volunteer Requirements

Following is a quick reference of information you will need to know. Additional information will be provided during orientation.

Interview - Once your application is received, we will set up an interview time by phone or email (if provided).

Background check - A background check will be completed on anyone age 18 or older.

Orientation - All volunteers must attend an orientation session which last about three (3) hours and scheduled at least once a month. You will be notified of the date, time, and place.

PPD Screening (Tuberculosis skin test) - All volunteers are required to have a PPD test which is provided at no charge prior to beginning service work. If you have evidence of having a PPD in the past 30 days or a BCG vaccine, please provide a copy when notified.

Seasonal Flu Vaccine (September – March) - Required and will be given at no charge. Please provide proof if you received one this season.

Uniform - A required uniform may be purchased from the Volunteer Manager for $20.00.

Placement - You will be scheduled in an area of your choice, if available. Please note however, volunteer duties are designed to:

  • Assist staff and patients as directed in various patient care area
  • Aide patients/visitors in information/waiting area
  • Discharge and/or escort patient and visitors
  • Give clerical support

Required hours of service - We require a commitment of 40 hours within at least 6 months. Less than that will not be reported or confirmed by the Volunteer Manager.

Other issues of interest - Free parking and meal allowance

Observation/shadowing/internship is considered an educational activity for student purposes and not in the scope of a hospital volunteer.

Email: linda.silva@lcmchealth.org or phone 504.988.5868 for Tulane Medical Center
Email: pamela.stpierre@lcmchealth.org or phone 504.780.6507 for Lakeside Hospital